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Aliens YT Edit



this and resurrection are my favorite alien movies. I have seen alien 3 which isn't the best, I would skip, really.


I guess you guys missed the idea that she had been working for months in the docks. They kind of imply time passing with the tone and context of the conversations more than tell you about actual time passing. Also it seems like this was the original home video release, as opposed to what most people would recommend which would be the Special Edition. Gives a little more info in a few added scenes.


If its not too late, for "ALIENS 3", I strongly suggest you watch the Director's cut. The extra details help deliver the story much better


About the word "Adios" on the weapon, to give more of a sense of reality the actors were allowed to "decorate" their weapons and armor. The only one who really couldn't was Michael Biehn as he was a last minute replacement to play Hicks as the original actor was fired from the filming. Also, the actor playing Sergeant Apone was a retired marine and had been a drill instructor, so he brought a lot to the military sensibilities.


At 40:28, when Burke faces the xenomorph, Paul Reiser had brought his mother to the premiere of the movie and she CHEERED his demise. That shows how good of an actor he was (at least to me). ;-)