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District 9 full length reaction

Watch "District 9 full length reaction" on Streamable.



A kinda similar movie to this is chappie. Made by the same director and is one of my favourites. Has some big actors in it as well. Like Hugh jackman


This movie was so traumatizing for me. I watched it in theatres when it came out and 20 minutes in, I was on the floor of that theatre sobbing. I cried through that whole film, the whole way home, and then I sat under my bed in my dorm (it was a high frame) for another hour before I started feeling okay again. I never watched it again and I don't know if I can remember what specifically caused that reaction but I have a really hard time with injustice and indifference and dehumanizing people...I remember pretty vividly the scene with the main character being forced to use his alien hand to fire alien weapons at alien refugees. (I may have details wrong on that but the visual is seared into my mind). Anyway, I didn't watch your reaction and have no plans to because once was enough for me but I hope you fared better. To this day, I've never had a movie take a greater emotional toll.