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Glory full length

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It is really inspiring to see young people like yourself watching a film like this and reacting to the history of it. I remember seeing this in theatre when it came out and being completely shocked at the ending. I didn't expect them to all die. Interesting side note. The higher ups offered to ship Shaw's body back to Boston, but his parents said no, he would want to be buried with his men. Nothing glorious about war, but it can bring out a nobility that perhaps gives us hope for the future. There is a film that I know you would both enjoy. THE GREAT ESCAPE. It's WWII, 1963, I think and it's accurate in all the details of the escape. Hope you can check it out.


Haven’t watched this since right after it came out. Yes they do use a ton of reactors in the Civil War movies. It is a big exercise in choreography and staging with the pyrotechnics. As you mentioned in the intro Gettysburg is another good film especially if you want more of Civil War battle strategy (warning it is a long one). The Patriot is good if you want to do Revolutionary War or Patton if you want a different style WW2 movie.

Cody Price

This was also Denzel Washington’s first Oscar win. Won for Best Supporting Actor.