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Squid Game 3x5 yt edit



The brother wasnt missing for 5 years, at the beginning the brother visits his brothers room and he is in a conversation with his mother saying that he hasnt been answering calls ect


There’s a relevant detail that got lost in translation in the English subtitles. In Korea, it’s considered rude to call someone who’s older than you or higher up in the social hierarchy simply by their name. If you need to use the older person's/higher-up’s name, it has to be accompanied by an honorific, a title that indicates respect. This is why Ali kept calling Sangwoo “sir” (more literally translated as “boss”), even when Sangwoo asked him to stop. Not only is Ali younger than Sangwoo, he’s also an underclass South Asian foreigner of questionable immigrant status, so he’s understandably conscious of his place in the Korean social hierarchy. But when Ali asks Sangwoo what he should call Sangwoo instead of “sir,” Sangwoo tells Ali to call him “hyung,” which means “older brother.” This honorific is usually used by men for either blood-related brothers or close male friends, and implies a level of closeness that Ali wasn’t expecting, especially in this death game situation (he even says “Can I really do that?”). Unfortunately but understandably, the English subtitles usually translate “hyung” as the name of the person being addressed, so non-Korean speakers usually miss this relationship indicator. But from now on, keep in mind that when Ali addresses Sangwoo, he will now call him “hyung” or “Sangwoo hyung.” Also, the detective Junho doesn’t actually call Inho by name at the end of the episode. He calls him hyung - which confirms to the audience that he found his brother’s name in the game records.