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Shin Godzilla full edit actual

Watch "Shin Godzilla full edit actual" on Streamable.


Undead Hope

This is, not only one of my favorite Godzilla movies, but also one of my favorite films of all time. I’m definitely down for some more Godzilla reactions! Especially the classic ones.


Fruits basket? 😢


This movie is so GOD. DAMN. COOL. My main experience with Godzilla is the American films from the early 2000's (bad), and the tiny bits I've seen of the old school ones. I was expecting a slightly more anime take on the modern Godzilla movies, and that is NOT what this movie is. This film feels so grounded; the camera shots are all real (as far as I can tell; there are no simulated cameras or all-CG shots like you'd see in a western film). The human side of the story feels so grounded and set in believable bureaucracy. The way godzilla looks and moves is so fascinating to me. The CG almost looks cheap, but I don't think it is. A lot of CG aliens/monsters look fake because the thing doesn't exist IRL, so the audience cant compare it to anything, and the animators can't use direct reference for the way it looks/moves. But here, I swear everything was modeled not based on what they *imagine* it would look like, but how they KNOW it would look if it were done entirely practically. The explosions looked like slow-mo miniatures, the monster looked like some practical effects horror monster. Such an amazing way to do this. Also, I feel like this movie is part kaiju movie, part critique of Japanese bureaucracy. I feel like I've heard about some Japanese feeling frustrated with daily life being mired in pointless red tape and outdated methods. But I can only guess, im not Japanese, obviously. The politics of it all were cool too, because the way Japan's military can act is so wildly different from how the US can act, and I loved how that was really shown here. In an American film, they would've mobilized the national guard yesterday, but in Japan, to mobilize the military for combat action is a MONUMENTAL thing to do that has never been done since WWII, when the US basically forcibly restructured their government.


The moment the scientist lady was like "It needs energy to survive; perhaps it uses nuclear fission" I was just like "...THAT IS SO F***ING COOL" And that shot of Godzilla shooting smoke, then flame, and then powering it all the way up to that beam? One of the absolute coolest things I've ever seen. Side note, I lowkey loved how they had that Japanese-American character, and constantly had her throw in English phrases to remind us that she's american. Cuz I can't count how many times I've seen that done in reverse, where an American film has a character throw in a foreign language like that. It's just funny cuz when you hear it in an American film, you just assume that the other person is speaking fluently in the foreign language, but then you see this and you're like "that actress is CLEARLY Japanese, and is just doing her best American accent". No shade, cuz obviously it's not meant to fool us, it's more than enough to convince a Japanese audience who barely speaks English, and surely can't tell the difference between a real and fake American accent. And then when they had actual native speakers for the American government, the writing and acting was pretty bad, because who would even be able to tell?😂