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Demon Slayer 1x17 YT Edit



I think this is the YouTube Edit for episode 17


In regards to Kung Fu Panda 3: -Kai's theme is indeed an instrumental remix of Imagine Dragons "I am so sorry" -Per a statement from one of/both directors I believe, the movie was toned down in comparison to 2 because 2 had some complaints from parents for its darker tone (which is understandable). Some deleted/scrapped scenes had Kai sending Po straight into the Spirit Realm (straight-up kill yeah, probably wouldn't have made it past the censoring) and having one of his horns cut in the final battle as well as Mr Ping being injured during the village battle because he took a splinter coming from an arrow (partially destroyed by Tigress) from the jade hedgehog master directed at Po. -4 seems like it could potentially have part of a creative team (in opposition to 3 who carries over the director of 2 who brought in an additional director too), it has a new editor, and a new cinematographer, hoping they don't go full-on Spider-Verse because the realism of the action scenes is a big part of why they're so cool when choreographed and I feel framerate variation could play against that sense of realism, I believe it's coming out next year in March, so you can expect a teaser around August/September. -My opinion was that 3 definitely had its great moments too and that the Jade Palace battle, and the montage scenes were kind of sick as well as Po's storyline coming full circle and learning to be a teacher. It's still a pretty good animated movie and mostly suffers from standing next to the S-tier quality of the first two movies. -Kai's problem as a villain is in good part the comedic use of him in comparison to Shen and Tai Lung is way overblown. The theme of being erased from history is not played seriously most of the time, which results in a less memorable villain than previous ones (despite that, i feel he still looks super cool and threatening at times and has some good charisma). -Tai Lung is actually one of Kai's jade amulets (so Kai did indeed battle/defeat him in the Spirit Realm), it's noticeable in a blink-and-miss shot in the Jade Palace battle when he captures Viper and Monkey and gets the new amulets to his chains with the other amulets (it's also in at least another shot but the shot I've described is where it's the most noticeable). My guess is the filmmakers decided not showcase his Jade form to not distract audiences from the main story (although it would've been cool if Kai used him to get the upper hand on Shifu, given Tai Lung's relationship with Shifu). -I think the pandas learning to master chi is not that rushed, the montage essentially is Po channeling their best selves and who they truly are, which is the key to mastering chi, hence why they later manage to give chi by pure force of will. Po is saved by being charged with chi from the pandas, and realizes that he is everything he's been wondering about rather than one of them, that he's the glue holding all those things together, and then he breaks out of the jade prison and defeats Kai and then gets the ultimate outfit (with the hat, the cape and everything!), very similar to the one in his dream in KFP1! -I also thought the Mr Ping and Li Shan arcs were pretty good, both logical follow-up arcs to KFP2. And the pacing is still freaking perfect as usual with these movies.