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Daredevil 3x8 full edit

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Lorenzo Baxter

Dexs story really is a tragedy. Like yeah he's a disturbed guy with some issues, but not all of his issues are his fault. He may have been born with some of those tendencies, and his parents died while he was young, so that amount of trauma can also cause certain illnesses and conditions in a young child's brain. And even though he kind of liked hurting people, there's a part of him that wants to be better. A part of good probably shown to him by his therapist. He just needs help. He's been a functioning man in society for years. Yeah he stalked Julie, but not for like sinister reasons. And yeah he killed unarmed and surrendered prisoners which in law I'm sure gets him in trouble.... but like my guy needs that North Star 😅 But of course there can be no happiness for him because Fisk just ruined it all. Julie even agreed to help him and now he had her killed. But Dex thinks she cut him off, which is much more cruel and just evil. It pushed him so far off the deep end that he burned his tapes. He's throwing away things that are healthy for him. He's falling into his darker patterns, all because of Fisk and damn it, it's sad. He's even more derailed now cause he doesn't have a job. No order and structure to keep him on track. Now he's just fallen into the hands of Fisk. It was oddly cathartic to see Dex scream out of pure rage and let it all out, even thought he released his emotions into the arms of a man who is actively causing his suffering. With Dex, I think it's a special case. Yeah, he might have been codependent on his therapist, but in cases of severe mental illness, sometimes you just need ways for the patient to cling onto their reality and sanity, even if it means them clinging to a person. The therapist definitely had a good point with structure and order. It makes sense for sure. It gives him something to do, so he doesn't feel restless, cause it already seems like he might have some anxiety problems. Yeah it's not good normally to latch on to one person but I think since people's minds work differently, with mentally ill people there might be conditions where that works. Since Dex was capable of taking care of himself without her, able to find a job and live. He latches himself on to people cause I think it's his way of trying to connect with others. He needs a savior yeah, but he just might not socialize normally. He resorts to stalking instead of small talk 🤣 thats him. Is it healthy? No. But sometimes what works, works. I also think Dex might be a guy who needs constant therapy to keep him on track. That could be the answer but he seems to fixate and it might be hard to move on to another person. As much as I hate Fisk, I felt really bad for him when Karen rubbed it in his face about killing Wesley. Cause back in season 1, Fisk and Wesley had a true friendship and they truly cared about each other. Seeing him dead really hurt to watch. So I did feel slightly bad cause I remember what Wesley meant to him and never really knew who killed him. So yeah all that rage came to the surface in his face and like Dex when he screamed, you could see it. As she was loading the silver bullet, he was getting pissed, until she talked about how he died and he put it together. You could see the pain and almost tears in his eyes, remembering his beloved friend. So I love that moment cause it reminds you that yeah, Fisk is truly broken. God this season is so damn good! Can't wait for the next episode guys!