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This was the BEST episode so far!!!! Watch along with your own copy and enjoy!

We watched this one on Netflix


Wednesday ep. 4 full edit

Watch "Wednesday ep. 4 full edit" on Streamable.



YAY!! Also, I think Xavier is 100% better than Tyler, Tyler is just so boring and acts like Wednesway has to like him back no matter what. He's my least favorite character lol


Loving the theories! The foot bitten from the leg but toes surgically removed. Does that mean the monster kills in its form then afterwards cuts the body or is the monster biting and killing and someone else is doing the cutting? Now, Eugene was wearing several layers and a thick coat so he could still be alive, yes some flesh cut, but the clothing may have taken the brunt of it. The love triangle- yeah that only exist in the boys minds. Wednesday is not needing that, it is good she’s getting some romance but she’s still high school student homework and friends are enough drama as it is even more so when there is a killer on the loose. Add in that both boys clearly have daddy issues. One’s dad wont talk about the mother and the other has a dad who is famous and most likely doesn’t talk to his son. I do think Tyler should’ve apologized to Xavier for the mural especially as the normies are showing they are more the villains than the outcasts. Yes it was foolish kid stuff but if you want to show you arent a bad person you have to face your actions and Tyler clearly hasn’t done that. I do hope Wednesday doesn’t end up with either boy because neither are good for her. The kid from the summer camp was a better match for her. Maybe Xavier might be a match, but I have a feeling we will have to see him develop some more. Tyler eh that scene of him saying Wednesday is sending signals when it is clear she hasn’t just doesn’t feel right. And he is almost too good to be true.