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This was such amazing character development!! Loved it!! Watch along with your own copy and enjoy!

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Daredevil 3x5 full edit

Watch "Daredevil 3x5 full edit" on Streamable.


Lorenzo Baxter

With Fisks information, I think he could've gotten enough stuff about the baseball game, cause they would've done a background check on Dex and would've found out he killed his coach at a game. I think a lot of it was really for the audience. The Suicide Hotline I think was also for the audience. So for Dex himself, yeah I'd say more its not his fault. So the therapist wrote down Borderline Personality Disorder. That is a disorder where people have an inability to manage emotions effectively. People in your life are mostly either your heroes and idols, or you hate and despise them and they're your worst enemy. When little things go wrong, it can make them very angry. And she wrote Psychopathic tendencies. He doesn't seem to feel much remorse for hurting people and he struggles to feel much empathy for other people, or much concern for other people. Psychopaths generally just work differently than others. They generally use other people for their own goals, and aren't very considerate. A lot of times, they don't know how to feel much like other people. So its okay that Dex doesn't "feel" the empathy like others. As long as he understands it's importance and practices that empathy when others struggle, it's definitely good enough. Cause we can't make someone try to be like everyone else when they simply aren't. I think that's what people get wrong about therapy and mental illness. They shouldn't be like us. They should simply be functional and healthy so that they aren't a danger to themselves or others. These things aren't Dexs fault because he may have been born with them, or he got them from some traumatic events. There are real people like that in real life and they deserve help. Psychopaths can lead stable lives, they aren't doomed to be killers. They just feel differently inside and need some guidance to feel more for others and if they have unhealthy tendencies, they need some help to find better ways to live. Dex is following Julia cause he seems to want her to be his North Star. He knows he shouldn't follow her, but he says in a rush "you're very special to me" when she was getting scared. He might not even like her romantically, he might just want her help like a new therapist. Someone to guide him and anchor him. I definitely feel bad for Dex cause it's not at all his fault that he is like this. And it's good that he does want help, that the lessons he's learned in therapy are sticking with him. He's trying to stay anchored. But Fisk is gonna use him, and if he gets desperate enough, Dex might make Fisk his North Star, which would be REALLY bad.