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This is the end. Hope ya'll enjoy!


Bly Manor ep. 9 full edit

Watch "Bly Manor ep. 9 full edit" on Streamable.



Damn this finale is depressing af, but so good


STOPPP how dare they give me this hannah and owen scene AT THE START just knowing they cant be together im so sad


Glad you guys loved it! Do you plan to watch "fear Street"?


I did enjoy Bly more, maybe it was an expectations thing. I saw Bly first, and went in blind, knowing nothing other than it was based on Turn of the Screw (which I’m a big fan of). Loved the story and the characters. I was fine with it being a gothic-romance-ghost story, it's not usually my thing, but it was unexpected and the characters were likable and relatable enough that it was easy to get on board. Then I heard about how much better Hill House was, that Bly was just a pale imitation of Hill House's perfection. I heard that it was terrifying, people having nightmares for weeks, that it was a one of the best TV shows ever produced. It sounded good. Obviously nothing can live up to that, but I was expecting to like it more. It's a very good show, but I didn't connect with the characters, I didn't even like them very much, for the most part they were miserable broken people. I get why they were like that, but it didn't endear me to them. I felt I never got to know them outside of their worst traits. There was an overreliance of jump-scares. I get jump scares as a tool in the horror box, but this was just too much, it became predictable. I did like it a lot though, more than I'm making it sounds probably, but the way people talk it up is ridiculous. It wasn't nearly as good as the hype led me to believe. Still it is very good, with it's fair share of flaws, same with Bly. I just connected with the characters more in Bly, and I didn't roll my eyes at another tired horror trope as often.