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Buffy ep. 3 full edit

Watch "Buffy ep. 3 full edit" on Streamable.



Yayyyyy so excited!!!! I’ll reiterate what so many ppl have said but the show gets so much better. Season one is a bit campy and cheesy but just stick with it 😂


And for those who haven’t watched it, consider watching along with them! It’s definitely one of those shows that everyone should watch in their lifetime lol :)


I'm so glad you're continuing! If you are using Domi's link then I'm glad it worked! The 4:3 looks SO much better. I really love how you guys pay attention and your predictions...this is why you're my favourite reactors. Regarding arcs...they don't really start until Season 2. Season 1 is pretty episodic but it all ties together....If you are enjoying episodes like this then you'll still have fun. Thanks for reacting.....it makes my heart so happy to see that you like this show as much as I do. And yes, this show is fearless and it was ground breaking at the time. Get ready for more Buffy fans and as always be careful of spoilers! :)


Buffy is awesome, but as you already know, season 1 is ok (great if you haven't seen the series at all, but downgraded if you seen more of the series). I fell in love with the series with season 1 a long time ago, so if you new to the show, season 1 is going to be great. The series will absolute get a lot better, though.


Agreed, there’s a few “really good” episodes in season 1- but most just ok to me1 season 2 and up is mostly exceptional with a few duds thrown in there.

Sean Silence

One of the cool things to me about magic in this show is that technically anyone can do it. It's just a matter of talent.

Aaron J

Yay so happy you're continuing! And also happy you went with the original version.

Linda Wightman

I'm so glad your gonna continue I have loved this show for a long time and it continues to get better and deeper and darker you guys are in for a emotional roller coaster brace yourselves.


So glad to see you decided to continue! :)

Linda Wightman

Your so right Effie this show was groundbreaking I have loved it for so long and like you said the first season especially is mainly stand alone episodes cant wait for season 2 when we start to have threaded storylines that just get deeper and more emotionally charged as the seasons continue I can only say I dont think they will be disappointed how could anyone....one of the greatest tv shows ever.

Kyle Junge

Oh nice, like how much you’re paying attention honestly I think out of the dozens of reactions to this show I’ve watched you’re one of maybe only 2 or 3 others to catch the body switch so far before the reveal. I do think there will be some twists even you as observant as you are don’t see coming,


I love how much fun you guys are having with these already! Excited for this ride

Trav Gorin

Excellent! You're watching the 4:3 version! Kudos to the person who hooked you up! The remastered version was extremely lazily done. How it was ever signed off on is an abomination. Hopefully you guys are able to pick this up to more than the one ep a week really soon!


I linked them up with Domi E. If they're using her link then we really owe her our gratitude haha. She's also a Buffy reactor but she knows a lot of prior knowledge so I'd stay away if you're a newbie. Yes, the remaster is an abomination...it was painful watching vampires walk around in 'day' scenes. But these guys had no choice anyway...the fandom would have come out with pitchforks if they didn't switch 😂


Season 1 is a really great build up for what is to come. Loving your reactions. It’s so cool to see people enjoying your favourite show

Raven Dark

Season one is the weakest of the series. It gets a lot better in season 2, and about halfway through season 2 is where the show turns from something great to something truly wonderful. "I don't think it's going to be super deep..." Oh, my dear sweet boy. I want you to remember you said that. You have no idea what you're getting into. You have my vote to react to the whole show.