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I managed to get a Bioshifter chapter out last week, but lately the illness has been back with a vengeance and I will probably have to skip yet another AYEH chapter. Apologies, everyone. 

You can probably expect AYEH in general to be on hold for a while, because once I write the next chapter of Bioshifter, Bioshifter will be over. Done. Complete. And as previously planned, I will be taking a month off to recuperate, manage extraneous stuff that I tend to let drop by the wayside (like physical versions of the books) and plan my next story (which will be a story in a magical girl universe in which the main character is turned into a robot girl by the villainess. You're welcome.) 

I hate breaks. I hate them so much. I'm really bad at taking them and for a long time I was struggling to imagine myself actually doing it. But now I am real sick and have been for over a week so I'm not feeling so bad about it anymore. 

Anyway, that's the current status. Again, big apologies, but I am barely functional so. Uh. Yeah. Thanks for your patience, everyone. 



Get better soon, enjoy your break and thanks for completing yet another story for us :D The new one sounds like a fun idea as well! Please tell me the robot girl gets a Roomba for a sidekick, mentor-critter or possibly a power/pet.


I'm excited for the conclusion of Bioshifter and for your health to improve as it inevitably must. In that regard, have you considered writing just *one* story at a time? You could always give it a try, ya know. Just... finish a story. And then finish the other one later, with healthy rest inbetween. Instead of amother story. C:

Daniel P

I hope you feel better soon! I cannot properly express how right up my alley your idea for your next story is. Argh! now Im gonna think about how it doesnt exist yet and be sad. Thank you though!