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Bad. The Thundamoo state is currently bad. Sorry.

I'm not entirely sure why this is happening. Maybe it's not enough exercise. Maybe it's the struggle I have writing books when they are so close to being finished. Maybe it's a bad diet. Maybe it's both of my partner's fathers getting cancer at the same time. Maybe it's my pathological inability to take breaks until the moment things build up so much that I can physically no longer work. Maybe it's just winter.

Maybe it's a lot of those things.

Point is, I fucked up. I missed another week of updates. I'll do my damnedest to get them out this upcoming week, but starting on the 19th I will have to take a week break because my partner and I will be flying out to visit her family for the aforementioned reasons alluded to. And I guess it'll also be Thanksgiving or whatever.

I will try to take care of myself so this doesn't happen again. I will most likely fail. But these issues will continue to be delays, not hiatuses. And when I finish Bioshifter (which will likely be in the next dozen chapters or so? We'll see.) I promise I will take a full, actual month of break (for all of my books) like sane authors are supposed to do when they do something stupid like finish an entire trilogy book series in two years. And maybe that will help. I dunno, but I hear it is supposed to.

Okay, well, that's my situation update. Apologies for the delays, thank you to everyone who still continues to support me, and I will hopefully see you with an AYEH chapter Monday or Tuesday with a Bioshifter chapter a few days later. Thanks again for your patience, everyone. 


Harry Cooke

Take as long as you need

Lucien K.

Take care of yourself! Life happens, all you can do is adapt to it. Thanks for keeping us updated 🙏


Wish you all the best and take as much time as you need to be healthy. Your health is far more important than any weekly chapter.

Jacqui Andronicos

Take care of yourself! Your number 1 priority, always, is your wellbeing. You can't do anything for someone else if you haven't taken care of yourself first


You should always come first, before anyone else. Gotta look after number 1! Take care of yourself, we'll be here when you're ready.


Get better!


Yes, take care of yourself! The struggle with "real life" sucks, but it is worth it. For more awesome books! And more joy in your life.


We'll be here waiting. Just please prioritize taking care of yourself and your partner. So many authors just disappear without a word, so thank you very much for the updates!


Eventually we stop. I wish you the best. But we stop. Goodnight


Condolences on the family having health troubles, definitely will echo all the others here in saying you should take your time and take some proper breaks to relax and rejuvenate yourself. All the best!


Do what you need to do and know you have our support. I wish you and your family the best.


Take care of yourself!


Take care of yourself first! Thank you for the update!


Take care of yourself first. It's important to let your mind have that break. I know it's like trying not to think of a pink elephant but don't stress yourself over work when you are on that break.


Current favourite author. This update hasn't changed that. Good luck, I wish you the best.


The failing will be temporary. You’ll hit your stride and feel a bit better, little by little, until you’re doing well. Cheers to you for deciding to take a break. Be kind to yourself when you don’t get updates out.


Take as long a break as you need! Focus on yourself and how to make things better and everything will be fine! We support you!


It okay, mental health breaks are always needed eventual. Speaking from experience you can only keep the walls steady for so long before a crash. Have a nice break and good luck with the family.

Saul Dickson

You’ve been having a lot of trouble for months now, chapter delays have been derailing your release schedule for so long it’s beginning to feel more like a semi-weekly release for all stories. I know you’ve been having problems IRL, everything from mental health concerns to hand pain and family emergencies. This is compounded by a feeling of guilty towards the aforementioned release issues. Here’s what I think you should do: 1. Take a break. Suspend Patreon memberships (or not, ask everyone in a poll if you want our opinion) and rest for a month. 2. Temporary move to a proper semi-weekly release schedule. If you want to keep releasing weekly, alternate between stories. This will give you time to sort things you can out and reset the expectations of your audience. Trust me, we’ll appreciate a reliable but slow release more than an inconsistent but fast release.


Breaks when you need them in addition to the big planned one certainly wouldn't be amiss. I'm a patron because I enjoy your stories and want you to be able to write in peace, not to pressure you so that I can consume more product. Please take care of yourself!


I hope you feel better soon Thundamoo.

Daniel Vainsencher

Hey Thundamoo, I also sometimes have a hard time. Your generosity in releasing your work is great, and taking some breaks does not take away from it. Hope you will be better soon, and please be kind to yourself. Hugs!


Worried about SO's dads. Sending them good vibes and well wishes. If I had healing magic I'd send that too. :(