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Hey everyone! It has been... way too long since I released a Vigor Mortis chapter, and you're all certainly overdue for a quick "what's going on?" 

First thing's first: yes, the chapter is still on the way. The situation so far is that I wrote a ton of it, realized I had to delete it all and rewrite it from the perspective of a different character, and have been rewriting it ever since. The chapter is currently a good ways over two thousand words, and I have been chipping away at it pretty consistently, but... yeah. It's fucking slow. I am so sorry. 

It's frustrating to me. I seem to still have no trouble churning out eight thousand words Bioshifter chapters in two to three days, but trying to get VM written is like trying to shove a block of cheese through a colander. It is slow, it is agonizing, but I am getting there. I am in constant mortal terror that the end result won't really be worth the wait, but I'm getting there. Promise. 

Buut promises are cheap. Let me know if people are interested in something where I post shorter chapter segments rather than the full thing in a big chunk, or some other... thing? I could do? I really have no idea what to do, I'm just kind of a silly little girl who types words. 

In lighter news, I do have some high-quality versions of the new Volume 4 cover for you! I've attached them here. Check it out!

And, of course, apologies again. 




John Bray

The cover art is gorgeous! As to the final chapters, while I am anxiously awaiting them to drop, I would much rather you take more time to write something that you are happy with, than to rush something out in parts. I wish you the best of luck, and hope that the words will flow more easily. We are excited to see how this ends, and it will be worth the wait.

Jane Hexum

If you feel the need by all means take all the time you need and if you want to go to book 5 i think most if not all of us would be happy