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So! I was plotting out stories the other day and I suddenly came to a terrifying, world-shattering realization: the end to Vigor Mortis has really snuck up on me. Like, really, really snuck up on me. 

Vigor Mortis will be ending in the next few months. There are like, single-digit chapters left in the story. And then that'll be it. 

Forever, possible sequel notwithstanding. 



Vigor Mortis is the story that let me be a professional author in the first place. It is near and dear to my heart in a lot of ways, and the idea that there could be as few as three chapters left in the story, depending on how big I make them, is... well, really terrifying! 

On top of that, I haven't fully decided what story I'll be writing after Vigor Mortis ends. A sane author would probably take a break or something, but I'm not all that sane on my best day and I feel like I'd get really uncomfortable and distressed without work to do in the Vigor Mortis timeslot.  So that's another thing that has been stressing me out!

Anyway, all this is another roundabout way to say "sorry for the delays!" The end of the story is unfortunately going to see more of those than usual (and I know I have been awful about delays for Vigor Mortis lately in general, I'm so sorry). I will do what I can, and I promise you I'm beating myself up every day trying to get these chapters for you, but... I can't rush this. I can't. It's the end. 

I really hope you all enjoy it. Thank you so, so much for sticking with me this far. I hope you'll stick with me for whatever comes after, too. 



Maybe you could continue Mind Reading Isn't Cheating, or do a rewrite.

Jamie Trevino

I’m sure whatever you come up with will be great! You seem to have a real knack for it. I wouldn’t mind an MC like lady Vesuvius or Helen, because their thought processes are always fascinating in their side chapters


Figure out a sustainable process and pace. I'm selfish, I don't want to see you burn out and stop providing me new content.