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Sorry guys, I bit off more than I can chew. Due to the unexpected workload of releasing Bioshifter on Royal Road (it takes a lot of time and attention to release a book, who knew) plus a recent horrifying personal revelation that mentally knocked me on my ass, I need to take a rest and skip the VM chapter this week. Possibly also Monday's Bioshifter chapter, depending on how quickly I recover.

I'll aim for two VM chapters next week (like I'm supposed to be doing anyway) but since VM chapters have pretty consistently been taking me three days to write I'm hesitant to promise anything there. Only having one scheduled day off a week and consistently working during it might be unhealthy. Not sure. Might have to adjust. 

Anyway, just wanted to communicate my situation. Thank you all for understanding, and see you next week. 



I really hope that the horrifying personal revelation is not one of the truly important sort (health, family, etc).


As always, take care of yourself.


Take care of yourself. And if the personal revelation is that you are growing chitin I'd like to eventually hear about it.

Matthias Schauer

*Please* take some time off for yourself thunda!

Glass Glade

Maybe mentally recontextualizing rest will help it feel more acceptable to take/schedule. My wife has the problem where if she isn't "being productive" that it just feels innately wrong to her. It doesn't help that modern society really loves to promote being a workaholic. Nor does the common perception that artists must suffer for their work help either. I often point to Olympic athletes for the comparison. Those athletes are the pinnacle of human achievement in their niche speciality. Are they training 24/7? No, because rest (and nutrition) is part of training. If they don't rest, then they get injured. Creative pursuits are the same way. Time away from writing helps your brain untangle and prevent mental injury (burnout). More plainly: rest is work. I hope you find a healthy balance.


please take care of yourself, and take the time you need.


Take your time and take care of yourself. Remember its your story! I would even stick with a weekly/bi-weekly release schedule if that means you take better care of yourself :)

Mickey Phoenix

Another author I follow posted recently that "time spent being unable to write due to mental health reasons" *is not rest*. It is *sick time*. As someone who has always berated herself for failing at her responsibilities due to mental health, and who has always immediately returned to being productive as soon as it was barely possible to do so, this really hit home for me. I hope you find it valuable as well.


Take your time I'll resub in a few months when you figure stuff out. good luck!


maybe think about making smaller chapters i like the bigger ones but if its taking a toll on your health to release them maybe go smaller for a while till your feeling better


So, like Hannah, you overworked yourself? or perhaps you are going through your first quarter-life crisis?