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Hnng. No VM chapter this week. Sorry. I have progress on it, I have things planned out, but mental health took a dip these past couple days and it isn't coming out. Sorry. 

Since this seems to keep happening, I'll make it up to you in the only way I really have: I'll post some more Bioshifter chapters for the Orphan Soul tier. I know the higher tiers already get Bioshifter chapters and so this is useless to them, but... well, uh. Sorry. It's all I got. I could post some fanart and stuff, but you can much more easily find all of that on my Discord. But I guess most people don't use that? Let me know if there's interest in having that all reposted here. 

The Bioshifter post will come right after this one. If you missed the first three chapters of Bioshifter, you can find them under the tag BioSPreview. Sorry again for the delays, you've all been very kind about reassuring me they are okay and it means a lot. 



No worries thundamoo! We’re here for you


its all good goo <3


Sal good friendo

sharikak 54

No worries! And I think posting fanart is a great idea, to give some recognition and make it easy to find for newer patrons.


Honestly I understand a couple of times being late, but I’m paying every month for your chapters man. I know shit happens, life sucks for us all. But I go to work everyday, and I don’t get to call in every time life throws me a curve ball. Not fair to the readers that are paying for this, and I’ve been talking to a couple other subscribers and they feel the same way. Sorry for being negative just voicing my opinion.


If you just want to pay to receive a finished product maybe you should wait until the book is published and just pay for that: clean cut, here's my money so give me the book. The way I see it supporting someone via a Patreon is to enable them to do something that wouldn't have been possible otherwise. You stick with them through good days and bad because It's a commitment and not a simple transaction. I would understand your sentiment if the author was dealing in bad faith but that's definitely not Thundamoo.


Authors arent machines and ive seen plenty of patreon authors just completely burn themselves out trying to keep up that steady release pattern even when they shouldnt. So basically the choice is between "let them take time off when they need it" or "watch them burn themselves out and, at best, end the story early to get it over with... quit abruptly/go on indefinite hitaus or just vanish without notice". Like Volpol said, if you 100% have to assure yourself a completely steady supply of reading you need to invest in published books and even then there's always the risk that the author will stop or shift to something else before they complete the whole book series... consider the wheel of time series for an example where the author died though there are efforts to have someone finish the series using his notes and such. Another example of how this is a problem even for full time paid writers is how they handle the unpredictable quality of creative productions in shows, be they animated or live action, you get filler episodes to help pad the runtime when the writers just are not able to bring the proper plot and story events into a good script on time month after month. One way or another the 'x content released per time cycle' model just plain doesnt work for authors if it's done over a long period of time... People burn out or need more time to weave the various elements of the story together into good, original content. The alternative is going the way of many asian novels, manga etc which is to make heavy use of scenes, themes and character archetypes already used by their fellow authors. That's why those kind of stories almost always have a fairly generic, black haired pale skinned protagonist who's usually your basic underdog template with a golden kidney/finger/metaphor for a cheat-like advantage dropping into their life by way of relentless effort, unexpected talent, mysterious treasure acquisition or reincarnation/transmigration shenanigans. They then proceed to rise from the ranks of mediocrity, slap the faces of their former bullies and nay-sayers, go off to become rich and powerful and save their younger (often not blood related) sister who's in a mysterious coma or just sick if the story doesn't feature supernatural elements (yet). There's always a tournament arc, they often go to a magic/superpower/martial arts school or have to join some kind of gamelike guild of portal/monster hunters and there is always... ALWAYS an arrogant young master who'll take offense at the mc for the most petty of reasons just so they can step up to the plate for a face-slapping followed by eternal enemity to the death between the protagonist and the young master, followed by the YM's father, grand father and ancestors usually in that order as the protagonist keeps coming out on top either with ease or with some adversity. Phew... lots of words there. TLDR version: I get why you feel bad, but Thundamoo is no happier about being unable to put out a release than you are about not having a release to read on time, its an unavoidable aspect of authors sustaining their creative process and producing original stories and content year after year.


Thundamoo is making 5697$ a month before taxes. You can look for yourself, that is more than a full time job, and more than some fully published writers make. I’m not asking for a finished product I’m asking to get what I’m literally paying for. I get what you guys are saying, yes thundamoo does do great work when the chapters come out, of course. That was never being questioned, that’s why I’m still here and haven’t unsubscribed yet. I’m reading several different web novels, that are also amazing. They are rarely ever late on there releases.


I have no idea if this helps or not (I hope it does; it's sometimes difficult for me to convey these things) but I'm a high tier subscriber because I genuinely enjoy your stories and I want to contribute a little to you being able to write more of them. I don't expect a strict release schedule or demand recompense if that schedule isn't upheld. In fact, the very last thing I'd want is for you to force yourself through this despite your mental health and inevitably burn out. At my job, people get mad at me if I don't take my allocated vacation days. They take the issue of burnout very seriously. Please take care of yourself and don't worry about needing some days or weeks off. In regards to fanart: It looks great but it took some effort to find it because I'm not on the Discord very often. I think it would be neat if more people got to see it, either by uploading it here or reminding them where to find it in Discord.

Matthias Schauer

I'm not really sure what you expect your comment to do here. There's two options: either thundamoo is honest about her difficulties in writing the chapters and then how is your complaint going to help her creative process? Especially since she has already talked in the past about the mental pressure she puts herself under to put out chapters. Alternatively thundamoo is weaving a complex net of lies to underdeliver on the content you are paying for and live a life of luxury on the sly. In that case, do you think that your comment is going to stop her from doing that? Either you trust her to be doing her best and live with her falling short of the schedule when she does, or you don't trust her and take your money elsewhere and read the story when it's available for free elsewhere, there's not really a lot of other options for you here, and I promise you that she's already aware of the expectations people have of her without you needing to remind her. (she's posted about struggling with that more than once already. Back here for example: https://www.patreon.com/posts/another-break-68673320 )

Matthias Schauer

I for one would very much appreciate some fanart on here, I follow too many authors to keep up with every discord, so I usually don't see those. Hope your mental health gets better soon, don't worry about the chapter, I really dug the Bioshifter ones we got this week!

Mickey Phoenix

It's totally okay. I figure that everyone supporting you at the level that already has all of Bioshifter is doing it because we really want to support your work. Which means we really want to support you. Regarding reposting fanart and such, I sure wouldn't mind seeing it on here. I very rarely have time to check Discord, so a weekly fan art post would let me see the art without flooding my Patreon feed. But either way, do what you need to, take care of yourself, and we'll be here backing you up.

Mickey Phoenix

@matt mendoza, I think you're kind of missing the point here, possibly due to a semantics issue. Thundamoo isn't "being late". She's not slacking off. She's not out somewhere with her friends, drinking beer and laughing at her patrons, getting distracted, not bothering to prioritize her writing. That is *not what she is doing*. What she's doing is struggling with mental health issues, putting out chapter after chapter of top-quality content, on a ridiculously regular schedule, and occasionally having to slip a chapter deadline or skip a chapter. That crap would be hard enough without the mental health issues. With them? It's freaking heroic. Most authors don't have that kind of sustained, perfectly regular productivity. Most authors have dry spells. Most authors get stuck in a plot point and have to write their way out of it. Most authors have a year or two to finish a novel. Thundamoo has a week or so to finish each chapter, and to finish it to such a high quality that she never has to go back and change things because she wrote herself into a corner. This is freaking amazing. I've noticed that there's a very high correlation between the authors I most enjoy reading, and the authors with mental health issues. Why? I don't know. My guess is that extremely creative people are basically overclocking their brains, and any kind of overclocking tends to destabilize the hardware. My other guess is that some of the neural wiring that makes for creativity is very close to the neural wiring that makes for things like bipolar disorder and ADD. But that's just a guess. The observation remains true, regardless of the reason. If you want to get this kind of brilliance, you need to have some tolerance for, and some freaking compassion for, the mental health struggles that so often go along with it. We may just be intending different things by our patronage. It sounds like you may actually be engaging in some sort of transactional mindset, where you are contributing money so that you get to read the chapters ahead of time, and you would stop if the chapters were being published for free somewhere else. That's not why I do it. I sign up to be a patron for people I believe in. People whose work I love. People I want to support. In the past year, a couple of the authors I support here have had serious, major physical health issues. Both of them had to stop writing for an extended period. One of them wasn't sure that they would ever be able to write again. Or survive. I didn't stop supporting them on Patreon. Why would I? I'm not there to buy a product. I'm there to support someone I believe in, to help them live a life that lets them write. And if that means helping them while they fight for that life? Damn straight I'm going to be there for them. If the above is on target, and you are approaching this from a transactional mindset. I'd appreciate it if you would take a minute and consider the possibility that there are better mindsets with which to engage with Patreon.