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Hey, everyone. Quick update. 

Firstly, I'm going to take a short break. Next Vigor Mortis chapter will be Wednesday the 16th. Apologies for the short notice. Also apologies for taking a break on like, the worst possible chapter for that, but life just punched me in the face and that's just how it be sometimes. I promise, things are about to get really good! ^.^

To those of you here for Hive Minds Give Good Hugs, you may have noticed I've been missing a lot of updates on it lately. The short answer is twofold: firstly, in general, I can't keep writing four chapters a week. Something had to give, and it has been HMGGH. The story will now update on Mondays only, not Mondays and Saturdays. This is important because it means Saturday is going to be my official day off, which until now... is not a thing I had at all. It takes me, on average, two days to write a chapter. So with four chapters a week... yeah. The math wasn't checking out.

Why is HMGGH the one dropping a chapter rather than VM? Well, VM is substantially more popular, but I generally try not to care about stuff like that and the real reason is that I've been finding HMGGH to be excruciatingly difficult for me to write. It's just... not fun anymore. Which is annoying, because we are really, really close to the end of that story. The climax that I had in mind since before I even started writing it is approaching, and like... damn it, I'm going to make sure it gets done! I'm gonna finish this story!!! ...But I have to not burn out completely and that means taking my time with things. Apologies in advance, as the story will likely still have the odd missed chapter even with the current reduced update speed. But we'll get there!

Thank you all so much for supporting me! I'll see you next week!


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