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...I tried. I really did.

I'm moving into a new apartment tomorrow, and I've spent all week setting up everything I need for the lease and the move-in. I really hoped I could do it all congruently with normal uploads but... I can't. I won't have the chapters finished in time, and I'm absolutely exhausted from attempting it.

So! Emergency weekend break. I owe Patrons a bonus VM chapter to keep things at +15, and I'll likely just cancel the RR and Patreon HMGGH chapters for this week. (If you're lucky, though, I'll be not-dead before Monday.)

Sorry everyone! I'll be sure to rest and come back stronger!



cool least i know not to expect the chapters enjoy your break.


Moving home is one of the most draining and traumatic things one can do. Hang in there!


We love you moo

Flying Goat

Life happens. Enjoy your new place!


Congratulations on the new apartment and for (so far) surviving the ordeal. I wish you a smooth moving day.


Eeh😑 and on a lark cliffhanger


Make your nest a good little home! Better writing will come out of you being centered. Rather than chaotic


Eh, having yourself a stable and secure home all moved in and stuff takes priority, given the choice I wouldnt even ask you to try and force yourself to write while having all that on your plate. Take care, get yourself situated and then you can get back to writing awesome stories :)


Don't burn yourself out. The awesomeness of your writing forgives all crimes. We'll have to wait a few days, but I'm sure we'll enjoy the chapter whenever you're done.


Dude moving is stressful and uses some different kind of energy then you normally flex. I always feel in bad shape mentally after moving, like it takes all my focus.


Take the time to rest! Moving is stupid hard as is! You got this, we'll still be here!


Can't really complain I'm not doing any work


No worries, get yourself all settled and you can always get back to your normal schedule once everything is sorted. :)

Melting Sky

It's wise to plan ahead to take time off for these sorts things rather than destroying yourself by trying to juggle too many chainsaws at once. Take care. Burnout is insidious in that by the time you realize you've got a problem it's usually already too late. You should ALWAYS plan your schedule around having a day or two off each week.


Please take your time! Don't move to burnout, don't take 200 hours off and walk straight to chillout area!


I know about that moving hell, it's all good.


Selkie, get back to writing, I need more Elaine too, not just Vita. Jk, Jk, although I do need more Elaine and Vita in my life ☺️❤️


Take care of yourself.


Thank you for letting us know what is going on! We'll still be here eagerly waiting for more awesome stories when you are settled!