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With my wrist injury and such, I will be taking today off to heal.  The good news: I have a working speech-to-text program I can use to continue writing.  The break I'll be taking on Patreon updates will therefore be shorter than the RR update break, while I make up for the missed chapters on here.  When exactly those chapters will come... we'll see.  I am shooting for Friday. Thank you for your patience!  



Hope you your wrist gets better soon👍


We love you more, take your time


Feel better soon!

Melting Sky

Hopefully, the wrist injury is just from carrying a heavy suitcase while traveling or something similar rather than a repetitive use injury. For anyone who types for a living I highly recommend investing in a proper ergonomic keyboard/mouse and using proper typing posture. Seriously carpel tunnel sucks and by the time you realize you have been injuring yourself for years on end, it's already too late. Once it sets in, at least some of the nerve damage will be permanent.

Jet Kean

Yes please, worry about you health first!! Feel better soon ‘o’7


No update?


Not yet, sorry. My wrist has been getting worse instead of better so transitioning to a purely voice driven writing environment is taking a while