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Hey, everyone!  I just wanted to give you a heads-up on my status.  Basically, I got my second Covid shot this weekend and it just about knocked me out for two days.  I was unable to complete today's chapter in time, but fear not!  I'll be catching up soon.  Expect the chapter later today or, more likely, at some point tomorrow.  I hope and intend for the Wednesday chapter to come out on time, and things should be business as usual from there.  

Sorry, everyone!  Thank you for your understanding!



Moderna fucked me up, got a 101 fever the next day and couldn't really move my arm. Thankfully it got better over the following days. Take your time and stay hydrated! And congrats on the new microchip

Bunny Waffles

Oh come on, you know they aren't actually microchipping you. After all, why would they need to when they have nanotrackers in the water supply already? That would just be a waste of resources that could be devoted to the mind control satellite repairs and the upgrades that have been, quite frankly, several decades overdue.

Satya Prateek

No problem and take care!!


Take care.


Take care, and don't worry about us!

Tom sawicki

Thanks for the heads up! Feel better!


Thanks get well soon

Mister Cakers

It’s cool, thanks for letting us know

P enyuk

Oh shit, Thundamoo is got the Splice shot. The soul has been chimera'd.