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My throat is parched and raw.  I can’t sing a single second more, no matter how hard I try.  No matter how much biomancy I toss at myself and the surviving members of my team, it doesn’t matter if we don’t have water.

It’s been almost two days since our capture.  The black-toothed monster had happily allowed me to heal my team and prevent them from bleeding out, but it supplied neither food nor drink.  A slower, more insidious killer than the web-spinning freak torturing us was going to take hold soon: dehydration.  All of us are low on fluids from nearly bleeding out multiple times.  I can feel myself passing in and out of consciousness already; it won’t be long until our deaths.

The bastard prods me, trying to get me to sing.  I would if I could, but it’s simply not possible.  My throat no longer works.  As if to provide extra incentive, the damned creature bites into Ivan again.  He chokes down a scream, and I know he’ll die this time.  My voice doesn’t work, and I’ve long since lost both my arms.  Magic is beyond me, now.  I have to try anyway, but the choking croaks that escape my throat are powerless.  The creature looks at me as I try to save my teammate one more time, its expression shifting from gleeful expectation to irritation to finally something almost resembling fear.  It doesn’t want to lose its playthings, huh?  At least Ivan gets to hurt it that way before he dies.

A low, sad consolation that is.  Fuck.  Fuck!  Ivan, I’m so sorry.  I wish I could tell him, but I can no more speak than I can sing.  I’m so, so sorry.

The monster hisses at me, leaping over to smack me with its forelimbs as I fail to save my friend and ally.  It doesn’t understand, does it?  For all its cleverness, it really doesn’t understand that we have to eat and drink?  I barely even register the pain.  It’s not like the damn thing is eating me.

As Ivan starts to die, Fulvia does her best to thrash around, to make one final last-ditch attempt to do something.  How she still has the strength I don’t know.  I suppose she’ll probably last longer than the rest of us now, with her stronger body.  There’s nothing the woman can do, though.  Even if she could break the webs, she only has one arm… and no legs.  We’re doomed here.  We’ll both be joining Ivan soon.

A particularly hard blow from the monster strikes me in the head, and I pass out.  I wake up to the feeling of something wriggling over my face.  The monster has, in a somewhat macabre display of poetic justice, found a small nestweaver and trapped it in threads.  It shoves the still-struggling creature at my face.  I’d laugh if I could.  So it figured things out after all, but wants me to eat that?  I’m hungry enough to give it a shot, but I can hardly get my teeth around a giant bug and expect to bite through it.  I try anyway, desperate for even the barest hope of life, but my teeth can’t pierce the spider’s flesh.  The monster, growling, stabs the nestweaver to hold it still, but what I care about is that it makes the arachnid bleed.  Disgusting, beautiful green fluid drips into my throat, and I greedily try to catch every drop.  As usual, my team’s shared nightmare watches with too-intelligent eyes.

The moment I’ve gotten all I can from the spider, a thread shoots out of each of its front limbs, tethering to Fulvia and I.  Ivan, now clearly dead, is left to rot as we’re dragged across the ground to unknown parts of the forest.  Unable to see where we’re going, I only hear the occasional spat between our torturer and other monsters.  I don’t know if I want the little horror to win in order to buy us a little more life, or to lose so we can finally be killed by whatever bested it.

We’re dragged and dragged until suddenly my heart leaps up my throat, hope filling me.  The back of my head touches something cool and wet, soaking my hair.  The beast rolls me over, dunking my face in water.  I panic for an instant, considering the irony of drowning while I die of dehydration.  I lack the strength to lift my head, after all.  Another shot of webbing, though, and my head is forcibly pulled out of the lake’s edge, giving me some much-needed air.  The small monster stands above and between Fulvia and I, looking almost like a carriage driver holding our reins.  I choke a laugh at the comparison shortly before my head is dropped back in the water.  I drink, fighting with my self-control to not swallow too much at once.

A few more rounds of this and we’re dragged back away from the water and rolled onto our backs once more.  The monster leaves, returning with corpses.  More nestweavers, their missing legs indicating they were once fellow victims.  It tries to get us to eat those.  I do.  Who cares if I get an infection from the meat?  What’s a possible death in the face of a certain one?  Besides, at least it’s not Ivan’s body.

Days pass, the monster learning to feed and water us like the cattle we are.  My voice recovers soon, but I do everything I can to not let the beast know.  The phantom pains in my missing limbs will only get worse when the monster adds my last leg to their number.  I sing when it’s gone hunting, trying desperately to push our bodies back into a usable form before the monster catches on, but the damn thing is too clever by half.  It finds the stubs of growth coming from our shoulders, greedily gnawing them off before going directly for our last remaining limbs.  I sing as loud as I can, trying desperately to drown out the sound of Fulvia’s bones being shattered between those horrible jaws.

“Claretta!” Fulvia begs.  “Claretta, stop!  Please!”

Stop?  No.  I can’t do that.  We have to keep hope.  We have to try to escape, try to survive to be rescued.

“Claretta!  I— aaaagh!”

Her words are cut off as the monster takes another bite.  I’m looking up at the sky, unable to face my friend while it happens.  I just sing.  Sing, sing, sing.  It’s what I’m good at, what I love.

“Just let the Watcher take me, Claretta!” my last teammate screams.

“I… I’m figuring out a spell for the pain!” I insist, halting my spell just long enough to say so.  “We won’t feel it forever, and—”

“Shut up!  Shut up and let me die!”

Squeezing my eyes shut, tears wetting my face, I ignore her pleas, resuming my song and forcing her body to stay functional.  She rages and curses at me, but I only have ears for the song.

Many more days pass.  I don’t know how many.  A dozen, at least.  I’m now convinced the monster never sleeps.  Not just as a paranoia-induced nightmare, although I certainly have no end of those, but it literally never sleeps.  It rests, sometimes, sitting motionless and staring at something or another.  Its pure black eyes never stay closed for long, though, always watching.  When it’s not busy engorging itself on our flesh, I often watch back.

The dark creature is growing.  Visibly so, even over the spattering of weeks I’ve known it.  When standing on its hindlimbs before, I doubt it could have made it to my waist when we first met.  Now it would probably reach my belly button.  Its spider-like limbs are thickening, changing slowly in length and shape.  Most terrifying of all, however, is its head.  The bug-like features are shifting, its large, wide-spread eyes focusing more forward and shrinking in size.  Its mouth has lost the vestigial mandibles previously around its face, shifting to imitate the rounder form of the humanoid skull.  Bits of chitin slough off the monster’s head day by day, revealing a humanoid nose that reminds me very, very much of Ivan’s.

It notices me staring, grinning widely at me.  The teeth of a monster contrast the face of a child.  It is uncannily wrong, still only halfway through whatever macabre transformation is taking place, but it grows more and more familiar every day.  What is this creature eating when it gnaws at us?  Our flesh, or our very humanity?

I look away, going back to singing.  I’m far too tired for a magical song, having spent my energy at that for hours earlier today.  Properly fed and watered, though, I do not need to worry about straining my voice.  I can, after all, heal any damage sustained from singing… by singing.  And singing is all I can do to chase away the constant torment of reality.

“This is a Lark’s story,

“Content yet seeking more.

“The Lark flies far for she

“Loves naught but to explore.

“From islands high she sees so far,

“Searching still for something new.

“But the Lark can’t fly above the sky,

So down and down she flew.”

I learned the song in church, but at its heart I always felt A Lark’s Story is a song for hunters.  A song for the ever-restless, the ever-seeking.  A song for people like my team who would risk their lives in the forest beyond all sanity, who would fight impossible odds against ever-more-dangerous circumstances for no reason beyond the restlessness in our souls.  Singing it has always given me hope, and I pray to the all-seeing Watcher that it gives Fulvia the hope she needs too.

Yet while the church encourages prayer, it teaches us to know better than expect those prayers to be answered.

“Thisssss… issss… alahkstorah…” the dark beast sings along, its screechy, horrible voice menacingly off-key.  “Cunnntent yeh seekee mooooh…”

I stop singing, the monster padding back onto my belly with that horrible, horrible grin on its face.  It lies down to make itself comfortable, head resting on my chest as it continues its butchery of music.

“Tha Lark fais fahfosee… loves nahbuh toesplore…”

“You’re not the one that’s supposed to like it,” I whisper helplessly.  For the first time, the idea of singing disgusts me.

This thing has taken even music from me.

“Sssposed t’laikt?” it copies, eyes sparkling with glee.

“It’s learning from us, Claretta,” Fulvia moans.  “You have to let us die.”

“Fulvia, I won’t just roll over and give up,” I answer, though the words come out as less confident than they should.  “They’ll have dispatched another team by now.  We have to—”

“It eats you less!” Fulvia screeches back, glaring at me with a mad look in her eyes.  “You don’t even watch, you cowardly bitch!  Look at it!  It fucking likes you!  The rest of us?  It tests things.  Ivan was first.  It’s pushing how much torture it can get away with before we die, and it likes you because you help it!  YOU HELP IT!  YOU’RE ON ITS SIDE, YOU BITCH!”

I want to protest, but before I can the beast leaps up.  Back arched, it hisses furiously in Fulvia’s direction, its teeth bared in threat rather than smile.

“Don’t like me yelling at your favorite pet?” she taunts.  “Come bite my throat out already, you piece of shit!”

It leaps over to her, biting through her chitin armor and spitting it out before tearing into the side of her ribcage.  I start singing as Fulvia screams, stopping the bleeding as quickly as I can while the monster savors and swallows its morsel.  Thrashing and roaring at it, Fulvia continues to incite the monster through her pain until it gets fed up, pressing a thick forelimb down on her throat and cutting off her airway.

“W-wait!  Stop!” I beg it, cutting off my song.  “You’re choking her!”

I don’t know if it’s because I stopped singing, if it noticed the desperation in my tone, or if it somehow understood… but the monster turns to glare at me for a moment before obeying.  Fulvia’s body gasps for breath, her instinctive will to live overpowering whatever suicidal madness held her for now.  I go back to singing while the monster bites into many of Fulvia’s bindings, tearing through webbing and armor alike.  It seems to have noticed that our clothes aren’t part of our body.  Chewing it off, the dark creature detaches and upends Fulvia’s breastplate, filling the inside with webbing before curling up within to rest.

Fulvia starts to sob, her occasional quiet hiccups contrasting the complex melodies of my healing music.  I feel her trying to resist my spell, but she’s so weak I push through it without any trouble.

“Fuck you, Claretta,” she whispers hopelessly.  “So much for consenting to treatment.”

I just keep singing.  The wound isn’t terrible, and to a mix of pride and horror I’m getting quite good at treating monster bites.  Only when I’m done ensuring she’ll live do I answer.

“I’m sorry, Fulvia.  I just… I don’t think you’re sound of mind when you say those things.”

“I’m not!” she cries.  “I’m not at all.  Don’t you feel something missing when it eats you, Claretta?  I swear, it’s biting more than flesh.  Please, just let me keep my dignity before I die.”

“You’ll keep your dignity,” I promise.  “You won’t die either.”

“Liar.  You’re worse than it.  At least the monster doesn’t pretend to be doing me a favor.”

I flinch, unable to respond.  Leaning over from its new bed, the dark creature from Hiverock takes another bite out of Fulvia’s body, swallowing it whole.

Once again, I start singing.





Jesus, moo. I’m really not sure where you’re going with this.


Oh god the monster’s eating souls, isn’t it? Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter! Edit: for one, it seems that in this universe, soul are very connected to biology, so beyond slowly becoming very human this insect thing had eating a weaver, gaining its ability. It also probably was given some sense to also go after magic users with an ability so that it it could get it and be more dangerous, that seems like a smart move, cause that’s how id do it. And Hive rock must have some fucking amazing biomancers. They may also be where the Narwa came from, depending on how lang the Narwa have been known this might be their second attempt, thought that also depend on how often Hive Rock changes its strategy up to do stuff like this. Or someone else made the Narwa


Oh my. I hope they will both be saved, this is certainly quite dark


I honestly don't see how this is different from Penta. It's literally Penta 2.0 in another body.

Paul Jaeger

Thanks for the chapter! Also what is the average life expectancy of a hunter?


I sympathize with Fulvia. Claretta is fucked up.


Probably genetic material mostly, but maybe also the pieces of soul that they contain. Will be interesting to see what Vita learns from it.

Melting Sky

The spider thing or the healer? Other than the likely commonality both creatures have in that they are intelligent bio-weapons born of a combination of biomancy and animancy, the actual creatures are quite different.


I like to think I'm a jaded person that doesn't mind dark stuff, but even I am rather disturbed and think this is a bit much. This chapter is like a euthanasia proponent decided to make his point by scarring the mind of his opponents with nightmare fuel. I like the story and style, and I think the author should keep to their vision regardless of what readers think...that said, maybe tone down the descriptions of torture a bit in the future? Murder and blood and guts is one thing, but such raw human suffering is hard to read.

Melting Sky

Claretta is one of the more truly selfish and evil individuals we've come across in this story. I mean this spider horror gives her a run for the money, but at least its selfish cruelty isn't dooming others of its own kind. This healer girl is torturing her own friends against their will while simultaneously feeding and educating a bioweapon sent to commit genocide against her entire species. As they say, "The road to Hell is paved by good intentions."


I'll have to update some warning tags, huh? Sorry. I'll say that this isn't just torture for torture's sake; we ARE going somewhere with this, and it should be the last chapter that's this... raw.

Satya Prateek

Yea gods this is some truly dark stuff.


Note to anyone who sees the comments before the chapter. This shit is dark as fuck. You've been warned. I definitely was not in the right mental for this shit


Mmm, this didn't bother me as much compared to others. So I must be a messed up person already. But now I hate Claretta. >8^(


To me when I was reading it, I know things were shit, but I think I just glazed over the worst disruptions. Plus I think I missed whatever makes everyone had Claretta.


I wouldn't go that far at all - far from all people are willing to lay down their lifes because others may suffer if they don't. Claretta is cooperating with someone "evil" because she has a loaded gun to her head, but her cooperation is also leaving her friend alive for a little longer, even if that time is spent in toruture. As for not allowing her friend to die - her friend has lost hope, soldiers in war also ask their fellows to leave them behind. In this case it's a bit more nuanced though, since she may also be thinking of not wanting to empower the spider further, but it's hard to tell what is the primary factor: Loss of all hope to survive this, or because she wishes to die with honor/not empower the beast.

Sterban Friz

I'm team claretta, she has hope


But why should she selfishly force her hope onto others? At least honor your team's dying wills. She doesn't *need* to subject them to torture to retain her own hope, does she? Here drink this concoction. You may think it's bad for you. In fact, you may even have grown up learning that it's *fatal*, that its a dangerous poison. But I know better in this instance. Just endure the torture because I believe it's good for you. You might still die though. But that's a risk I'm willing to take tbh.


Might be worth putting some warning tags at the start of the chapter, it’s not super necessary to the plot so people could skip it pretty easily and whilst I don’t mind it, there are a people that couldn’t stomach this


The funny thing about this chapter is l, it's not the torture and suffering that reeeaaally pisses me, oh no it Claretta. God she is evil incarnate. The worst kind of people are those who do diabolically evil shit in the name of doing good. Aaaargh I need as scrubbing brush to get thing outta my head!!


I actually liked how dark and raw this chapter was, really shows just what they are going through and I’m curious where it’s going. I’ve always liked characters that refuse to give up hope and force themselves through even the worst situations like this on almost pure survival instinct. It could perhaps use more detail into clarettas actual thought process but then these are new side characters who we don’t know much about yet. Really interested to see where this goes and how it assuredly ends up intersecting with vita.


Slavery arc finishes, straight into torture. Real fun stuff. One guess as to what the next arc starts with if we continue down this path.


im a simple person: i actually like dark stuff like this. idk why people get so upset about it, its just a story, it isnt real, do people get equally upset at horror films like Saw? like lmao, media is for us to explore concepts and situations that it would be considered morally wrong to act out in real life


I feel like this is a bit much. We essentially got the same chapter last time we saw the failed team, sans the monster's manface and learning. You may want to consider combining the two chapters on this team.


Nah, it's not some morality thing. It just makes people uncomfortable. When reading something written by a good writer, imagining it and bringing it to life in your own head can be more real to some people than movies projected on the screen. And that's the problem: Thundamoo is a good writer. :P


Oh I feel like this is on purpose. We had one chapter where "Oh no now they'll die, too bad" then we went back to Vita, so we assumed they were dead. Now we go back to Claretta and learn how much more messed up their situation was, how the evil bugger became a spider thing, its potential purpose, how there's still hope. We went into the psyche of those 3 characters somewhat. The fact of having two chapters, separated by a somewhat filler one, is a better writing process in my opinion.


Thanks for the great chapter


Yikes. Should’ve know better. A RR story devolving into tortureporn, what a sad but expected surprise. Thanks for the chapter but that’s it for me


Thanks for the darker turn, this whole spider side thing has been a breath of fresh air for me. Some people have said they dislike the graphic bit of it, but I presume that is just the bias of people who have something negative to say being more likely to say it. I would wager the majority have faith in the direction these last few chapters have been going or like the way the story is progressing. Thanks for the story so far, I don't comment super quick as I generally save a few chapters up, but I have been hooked again so that might change.


ah yes, a novel about a necromancer who loves to eat souls wasnt going to touch on non-humane subjects. what did you actually expect? i have to ask? do you just want all novels to be rainbows and sunshine and nothing bad whatsoever? be real here, novels need an antagonist something to unite the readers against, and in a novel as morally grey as a necromancer who eats peoples souls, you need something even worse


A story without risk is empty feel-good drivel. These two side-chapters are graphic, sure as sure, but not in an unwarranted way. The world is dark after all.


Perhaps I wasn’t clear on what’s bothering me. I couldn’t care less if the mc started to very graphically slaughter the entire city. My line is drawing when torture (as in heal and eat) is introduced without any logical reason. Perhaps I was just to impatient, but the “insane” biomancer seems very forced to me. A “normal” character gets introduced, goes insane in a very weird way just to include graphic torture scenes. It just doesn’t flow for me.


Fear and hope, shutting out the horrors by conciously focusing on a futile effort because rescue might come at some point. Later conciously avoiding thinking about this early desicion, for doubt would make the days of pain pointless and their own actions horrible beyond measure. Whilst the process could be made to feel more fleshed out, it would involve dipping into the fledgling moments of lucidity more often, thus drawing out the process for us readers. I don't know which would be better, but I can agree that the show of the flow of progressive madness is not flawless. Believable imo though.