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Reading the novel the second time without consuming the visual adaptations before, made me imagine Wei Wuxian in his second life a bit differently. I don't know why but my mind keeps on picturing him with a shorter, more fit robe, and visible pants + high boots.  I think the main idea behind it is that his legs are more seen, which I guess fits his agile and wild character. I especially see him like this when in his second life he's tutoring the juniors and shows his own fighting and magic skills.

I also think it's a better contrast to Lan Wangji's many layers of robes, (which, in my opinion adds to his ethereal, elegant and composed character). Wei Wuxian's character seems to be more lively, more swift and active, therefore I think I kinda imagine him with his legs visible. Sort of like in his younger days, but a different, shorter robe.

Interestingly, I didn't imagine any greys and reds on him too. I just see him dressed entirely in black, as a shadow shape, appearing here and there and causes trouble hehe.

Does it mean I will draw him like this from now on? I'm not sure. Probably not most of the times, because I still need him to be recognizable. But maybe, in some arts, I will.

Tell me what you think! Do you like this design?




I love it! Love your thought processes as to why, love the result. It all fits so well with my own mental image of him; matching hcs ftw 🤍🐇


This is so well thought out to not only his character but his role as well. I adore it ❤️


I love this design!!