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Chapter 41: Grasses—Part Nine

Xiao XingChen stood where he was, at a loss of what to do, “… What happened…? Say something…”

He had completely fallen apart, “Can anybody say something?!”

As he had wished, Xue Yang spoke, “Would I still need to tell you who exactly was the walking corpse that you had killed yesterday?”

A clang.

Shuanghua fell onto the ground.

Xue Yang burst out in laughter.

Fuck, this part is so so so cruel, I hold my breath and cry, feeling Xiao Xingchen's helplessness at that moment, switched by the instant desire to just end it all.

Man, what a genius you must be to compose a story such as the Yi City arc. MXTX, I have no words. This arc was the only part in the story I actually cried. :___:

Crestfallen, Xiao XingChen kneeled on the ground, beside Song Lan’s feet. He squeezed himself close, as though he had shrunk into a small, weak lump of something, almost hoping that he’d disappear from this world. His snowy white robes had already been covered in dust and blood. Xue Yang shouted at him, “You couldn’t do anything, you’ve failed miserably, you’re the only one to blame—you asked for all of this!”

At this moment, Wei WuXian saw himself in Xiao XingChen.

Him, who failed miserably as he stood drenched in blood, who couldn’t do anything except silently acknowledge the critiques and accusations, who was wholly beyond hope, who could only cry in despair!

Such an amazing parallel between Xiao Xingchen and Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian seeing this scene, understanding the motives behind Xiao Xingchen's actions and the way he met his end, making a self reflection on himself and relating to the sense of helplessness. Him and Xiao Xingchen both hurt and caused the death of their loved ones, without wanting to, but because they were pushed to a dire situation, and then stood there, unable to do anything, yet hearing the accusations around.

Really beautiful parallel!

Xiao XingChen had died. He had died completely.

Even his soul had shattered.

The child in Xue Yang’s story who cried because he couldn’t eat pastries was too different from the present him. It was almost impossible to link the two together. Yet, in the current moment, Wei WuXian could finally catch a few traces of that ignorant, confused child on Xue Yang’s face.

In an instant, red veins climbed over Xue Yang’s eyes. He stood up suddenly. Squeezing both of his hands into fists, he rampaged around the coffin home. He kicked and thrashed, noisily destroying the house that he had just cleaned a few seconds ago.

Xue Yang's reaction to Xiao Xingchen's death being described as him showing his old child self again is so real. MXTX really built this character based on a psychological state of a child who had an urge to get what he wanted right here and now, dealing with the difficulties of not getting it.

As he grew up and gained the ability to make everything work the way HE wants it, even at the cost of hurting others, he is suddenly facing the situation again where things aren't going the way he wanted. Whether it's the sweet pastries or Xiao Xingchen's corpse and soul, he's at the point where he realized that he can't make it work the way he wants it and so he's back to being that disoriented child.

Chapter 42: Grasses—Part Ten

Xue Yang’s movements were extremely quick. He immediately appeared somewhere else. When she lived, A-Qing had also been a fast runner. Now that she was a ghost, she stuck closely to him as though she was a curse. She knocked her pole on the ground as quickly as she could. The crisp taps sounded near and far, left and right, in front and behind. They were impossible to avoid. As soon as they sounded, Bichen’s sword glare followed immediately!

So glad that A-Qing was able to have her revenge and be the reason Xue Yang could finally be defeated. This is really the realization of what Wei Wuxian threatened the Wens with when he said that he will die and come back as a ghost to haunt and kill them. He didn't do it, but she was able to take revenge on her murderer as a ghost <3

Wei WuXian murmured, “How do I know?”

Of course he knew!

During the ten-or-so years when he had been dead, he hadn’t even received one single piece of paper money!

Lan JingYi stabbed another knife into his heart, “Even if you could not receive them, it was probably because nobody burned them for you.”


Chapter 43: Allure—Part One

Lan Yuan was Lan SiZhui’s birth name. He protested, “I was not making excuses for him. I was simply suggesting that we may not want to make conclusions before we understand the entire situation. You know, before we came to Yi City, a lot of people also claimed that the YueyangChang Clan’s Chang Ping was killed by Daozhang Xiao XingChen for revenge, right? But what was the truth?”

Jin Ling, “Nobody actually saw whether or not Chang Ping was killed by Daozhang Xiao XingChen. All they had were guesses, so why are you calling them claims? Just try and count how many cultivators lost their lives to Wei Ying, to Wen Ning, to the Tiger Seal during the battles at the Qiongqi Path and the Nightless Day! These are truths that everyone accepts, that nobody can deny! And what else I’ll never forget is that he ordered Wen Ning to kill my father and mother!”

This argument scene the juniors have that Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning happen to hear once again talks about very important philosophical aspects of our world and are relevant to each time and place. Just like Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian concluded that they should not comment unless they know all the details. Lan Sizhui says the same thing, but is being confronted by Jin Ling who throws "facts", and is therefore left speechless.

The "facts" that Jin Ling throws about Wei Wuxian have a better hold than the incident of the killing of Chang Ping, simply because more people were witness and it is therefore makes it true. But the fact the more people witnessed and action being made, doesn't mean that it really happened as they thought, or who was the cause for it, or what was the trigger. And in the case of YIling Laozu, this is exactly what happened. Lan Sizhui turned to be the right one in this situation even if he couldn't back up his claims.

This is an important reminder, at least to me, that even when people throw around stuff that they claim to be "facts", there should always be the sense of doubt, and one should look for sources outside of their own comfort zone to better understand a situation.

Wen Ning, “… What happened to Young Master Lan?”

Wei WuXian, “Nothing much. He’s just drunk.”

“What?” Wen Ning’s face was blank, as though he couldn’t accept such a thing. After a while, he finally continued, “Then… What are you going to do?”


HanGuang-Jun’s forehead ribbon was tied around Wei WuXian’s wrists.

As though he felt that not enough people noticed this fact, holding the ends of the ribbon, Lan WangJi held up Wei WuXian’s hands and displayed it for everyone to see.


Chapter 44: Allure—Part Two

Wei WuXian, “When you find a really strange corpse and you feel that you should take it back to examine it properly, you can take off your forehead ribbon and bring it back like this.”

Lan JingYi blurted, “But you cannot do that! Our sect’s forehead ribbon is…”

Lan SiZhui stuffed the chicken wing back into his mouth, “Oh, I see! I did not know that it can be used in such a way!”

Every parent should have a child like Lan Sizhui <333

He ran a few more steps toward Lan WangJi, pretending that he was going to chase him. As he had expected, Lan WangJi started to go in the opposite direction. As though he was playing with a toddler, Wei WuXian cooperated as best as he could, chasing him around the screen a few more times, “Run, run. Go faster. I’m gonna catch you! If I catch you, I’m going to lick you again. Scared, much?”

He originally intended it to be a threat. However, Lan WangJi suddenly walked toward him from the other side of the screen, and the two bumped into each other.

ldkfjglkjlskdjflk this entire situation!!!

With his arms around Lan WangJi, Wei WuXian returned to the bed with him, then asked, “You like this, don’t you? Don’t turn around. Speak. Do you like it or not? If you like it, we don’t have to run around every single time. How about I let you have as much fun as you want?”

That's right, stop beating around the bush and get to the licking and kissing!! XDDD
Wei Wuxian, the way you suggest it is not you being shameless this time. Is you actually bargaining with a toddler, and doing something you yourself want, isn't it?? ;)

Suddenly, however, as Wei WuXian stared at those soft, pale-red lips, he didn’t know what had taken over him, but he suddenly went and kissed them.

After the kiss, he even licked them, as though a kiss wasn’t enough.

Both of them widened their eyes.

A moment later, Lan WangJi raised his hand. At once, Wei WuXian was startled into realization. He immediately broke into a cold sweat, fearing that Lan WangJi would smack him dead on the spot, and quickly scrambled off the bed. Turning around, he saw Lan WangJi smack his own forehead. He now lay unconscious, collapsed on the bed.




He squatted down and took off Lan WangJi’s boots, then placed him in the official sleeping position of the Lan Sect.


Wait, if I sleep in that position am I infringing their intellectual property? XDDDD

In the future, it was best to not make Lan Zhan drink anymore. If he treated everyone like this when he became drunk, then the situation really wouldn’t be well.

"If he treated anyone like this." pfffftttt Wei Ying, WAKE UP.

Chapter 45: Allure—Part Three

Jin Ling added, “Even when the dog Wei Ying was around fifteen when he killed the Tortoise of Slaughter. If he could even do it, why can’t I?”

Hearing his name come right after the word before it, Wei WuXian blood run cold. He somehow managed to shake off the goosebumps on his back, “He was the one who killed it? Wasn’t it killed by HanGuang-Jun?”

The feeling of having someone close to you like/love/respect/cherish you, but at the same time speak ill to you about the real part of you that they don't know about, is really hard. I think in out world of social media and virtual profiles and online friends it's really common.

Anyways, poor Wei Wuxian :( to think that he, as Mo Xuanyu, is finally making progress with Jin Ling, only to hear the kid think those things about the real him, and to know that it's not his fault he thinks this way, but it's all the result of a lot of misunderstandings.

Have fun being cut-sleeve.

Best quote by Jin Ling.

Jin Ling continued, “I already know the meaning behind the GusuLan Sect’s forehead ribbon. Now that it’s already like this, then stay by HanGuang-Jun’s side properly. Even if you’re a cut-sleeve, you should be a modest one. Don’t go about messing with other men, especially people from our sect! Or else, don’t blame the results on me.”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the way he preaches him how he should act, as if he was his daughter or something lmaoooo "be a modest homosexual, you damn gay! Don't go around messing with other men, be loyal to Hanguang Jun!! Even though I find you disgusting!"

Wei WuXian, “So, I’m actually really curious. Just how did you recognize me?”

Lan WangJi replied in a calm voice, “I am also really curious as to why your memory is so bad.”


Lan Wangji is taking no prisoners!

Wei WuXian touched his chin, “How was it boring? Who hasn’t done a couple of such things when they were young? Speaking of it, why do people even know about something like this? And it’s even seriously recorded in a book. That’s pretty boring as well, if you ask me.”

Lan WangJi was looking at him. Although still expressionless, an unusual glint hid beneath his eyes. He looked as though he was laughing at him. Wei WuXian thought to himself, Hey, Lan Zhan, don’t you dare make fun of me. I know at least eight—if not ten—of your embarrassing stories from when you were young. I’ll tell them to the boys sooner or later and destroy the inviolable, irreproachable reputation they have of their HanGuang-Jun.

I can so totally imagine the sort of expression Lan Wangji had that Wei Wuxian describes! Ahhhh he's laughing at him through his cold stony face! I really wanna draw it hehehe~~ALSO THE THREAT WEI WUXIAN IS THINKING OF!


Wei WuXian let go the moment he snatched it. The rest of the Lan Sect’s disciples ceased with their attacks as well, and everyone came over. Arm around his younger brother, Lan XiChen talked to the unspeaking Lan WangJi in a low voice. All of the others seemed similarly serious, as though they were facing a powerful enemy. They shook their heads as they spoke, glancing at Wei WuXian with odd, indescribable looks on their faces.

This is the flashback from the archery competition where Wei Wuxian tugged at Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon.

This entire situation, hahahaha, poor Wei Wuxian, he has no idea why all of the Gusu disciples look at him this way and why Lan Wangji looks as if Wei Wuxian harassed him just now XDD

Chapter 47: Guile—Part Two

As he put down Jin Ling, who had been protecting him, Jin Chan and the others were startled. Yet, Wei WuXian asked, “You got it?”

Jin Ling was also startled, “What?”

Wei WuXian turned his hand again, “Have you understood?”

Feeling a numbing pain travel from his wrist to his entire body, Jin Ling cried again. Before his eyes, however, he could recall Wei WuXian’s swift, subtle movement. Wei WuXian spoke once more, “Again. Look carefully.”

One of the boys just happened to rush over. With one hand behind his back, Wei WuXian used the other hand to snatch at the boy’s wrist. He brought him to the ground in the blink of an eye. This time, Jin Ling saw what was going on. The aching part of his wrist also told him which acupoint to send his spiritual energy to. Springing to his feet, he seemed to be in high spirits, “Yes!”

Finally, after 15 years of growing up with 2 idiot uncles (one being too harsh and the other being too soft) another uncle of Jin Ling's returns from the dead to actually teach this boy practical stuff!

Jin Ling, “Hey, how did you learn the move?”

Wei WuXian shoved the responsibility to Lan WangJi’s shoulders without showing even a hint of shame, “HanGuang-Jun taught me.”

Jin Ling didn’t doubt this at all. He had already seen Lan WangJi’s forehead ribbon tied to Wei WuXian’s hands anyways. He simply mumbled, “He even teaches you these things?”

By this time I really wonder what sort of relationship the juniors think that Lan Wangji and Mo Xuanyu have. From my perspective, it's sorta like they think Lan Wangji took in the homosexual lunatic under his protection to be his lover whom he could pet but also teach him random stuff just out of the pleasure of it lmao.

Jin Ling glanced at him and couldn’t help but answered, “Why are you like this? My younger uncle has always advised against this, but you’re egging me on.”

Wei WuXian, “Advised you? Against what? Don’t fight and get along with others nicely?”

Jin Ling, “Pretty much.”

Wei WuXian, “Don’t listen to him. Let me tell you—when you grow older, you’ll find out that there are more and more people you want to beat up, but you’ll have to force yourself to get along with them nicely. So, since you’re still young, go beat up all the people you want. At such an age, if you don’t have a few proper fights, your life won’t be complete.”

Good advice from the smartest uncle Jin Ling has.

This again rings familiar. This is what my grandma always told me. She never taught me to pick fights, but she always said to hit back, because that's how you gain respect. Staying passive and trying to work things out by words (what Jin GuangYao advices), will not work unless you show first that you have the power and self-respect to defend yourself and to prove a point. Only then, when you have shown the ones who offend you that you can stand up for yourself, you can try to use words.

I really do believe that because it worked for me, and to be honest this is what I'll teach my kids to do too.

Wei WuXian quickly suppressed the seldom-felt shame. Walking over, he spoke as naturally as he could, “HanGuang-Jun, you’re here! Did you know? Mo XuanYu was kicked out of Carp Tower because he harassed Jin GuangYao. So that was why everyone looked at me so weirdly!”

Lan WangJi didn’t say anything. He simply turned around and walked alongside him. Wei WuXian continued, “Neither you nor ZeWu-Jun knew about this. You didn’t even know who Mo XuanYu was. It seems like the LanlingJin Sect had been keeping the whole thing hushed. Now this explains why. After all, Mo XuanYu had the sect leader’s blood in him. If Jin GuangShan really didn’t want such a son, he would’ve never taken him back. If it was as simple as harassing someone from the same sect, he would’ve gotten away with a few scoldings. It wouldn’t have been enough for him to be kicked out. But if the one he harassed was Jin GuangYao, things would’ve been a bit different. This wasn’t only LianFang-Zun, but also Mo XuanYu’s stepbrother. It truly was…”

It truly was a scandal. The matter had to be entirely uprooted. Of course, it was impossible to do anything to LianFang-Zun, so they could only chase Mo XuanYu away.

Now this is really something I wondered about. Did Mo Xuanyu really harass Jin Guangyao, or was it just a rumor spread so that the only other known son Jin Guangshan had left in the Koi tower had a good reason to be "dealt with?" Did Jin Guangyao purposefully made this incident up so that Mo Xuanyu would be out of his way?

Wei WuXian thought to himself that such skills were almost comparable to Lan XiChen’s, and couldn’t help taking a few more looks. Only afterward did he realize that the artist of the four sceneries indeed happened to be Lan XiChen.

Huh. I forgot that Lan Xichen was an artist too.

Jin GuangYao was with Lan XiChen and Nie HuaiSang in the Blooming Garden, which meant that the Fragrant Palace was empty, conveniently allowing Wei WuXian to inspect the area.

Nie Huaisang, you knew what you were doing by stalling Jin Guangyao, huh...

He had been confused as to where Mo XuanYu learnt of the forbidden technique. Now, he knew the answer.

This was the damaged manuscript of a forbidden technique, which was why Wei WuXian definitely didn’t believe that Jin GuangYao would let just anyone have access to it. It seemed that even if Mo XuanYu and Jin GuangYao weren’t in that sort of a relationship, they were still fairly close.

Again, this brings me back to the question I asked above. Just what exactly happened there with Mo Xuanyu?

Chapter 48: Guile—Part Three

On the other side of Carp Tower, Lan WangJi continued to stare at Wei WuXian’s face as he sat beside him. A while later, his fingers twitched. With downcast eyes, he touched his lips softly.

It was very soft indeed, as soft as how the paperman had bumped into them.

Suddenly, Wei WuXian’s hands jerked slightly, clenched into fists. Lan WangJi’s expression hardened and helped Wei WuXian into his arms. Holding his face, he saw that, although Wei WuXian’s eyes were still shut, his brows had knit closely together.

sldkfjslkdjflkj they are so precious!

Chapter 49: Guile—Part Four

Wei WuXian had once found it strange as well. Ever since Meng Yao betrayed the QingheNie Sect, the relationship between Nie MingJue and him hadn’t been the same as before. Then why did they later become sworn brothers? From his observations, aside from how Lan XiChen brought it up, having always hoped that the two would reconcile, the most important factor was probably the gratitude of saving his life and writing the letters. To be precise, in his past battles, he had more-or-less depended on the information that Meng Yao sent over through Lan XiChen. He still thought that Jin GuangYao was a talented person whom one would rarely come upon, and intended on leading him back onto the right path. However, Jin GuangYao wasn’t his subordinate anymore. Only after they became sworn brothers would he have the status and the position to urge Jin GuangYao, like how he disciplined his younger brother, Nie HuaiSang.

This is really so interesting. The three of them, Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen, and Jin Guangyao, had become the "venerated three", sworn brothers that were admired for the crucial role they played in the war and the cooperation they had. This probably made all the people think that the three of them were untouchable heroes who are in a harmonious, when actually, as Wei Wuxian learns through Nie Mingjue's memories, two of them had so much hatred and rivalry and the other one was constantly trying to make peace between them.

It's like, the three of them were in harmony when winning the war and bringing peace, but in between them, the war still raged.

To be honest this story is difficult for me, because I can't look at Jin Guangyao as the only one at fault here. I also see fault in Nie Mingjue. Again, this is why MXTX is so brilliant!

He saw himself walk with hands behind his back, wearing all black. A flute in the shade of ink stuck to his waist, hanging down with crimson colored tassels. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Jiang Cheng, he nodded in this direction to show respect. Attitude slightly arrogant, he took on a profound, disdainful appearance. As Wei WuXian saw the stance of his younger self, the root of his teeth even cringed in soreness. He felt that he really was pretentious, and itched to just beat the hell out of himself.

I always marvelled at how Wei Wuxian in his second life is so similar to younger Wei Wuxian of his first life. You'd think he come back with all the angst he died with as the Yiling Laozu, but he moment he revived in Mo Xuanyu's body, he immidiately started to joke around and have the same character as pre-Laozu Wei Wuxian. Seeing how he describes his Laozu self in such a negative way, how embarrassed he is, really shows how he wasn't the real self in those days. It was probably so difficult for him T^T

Wei WuXian, “Well said! How is my shijie related to you? Back then, who was the one whose eyes grew on the back of their head?”

Jin ZiXuan, “Sect Leader Jiang—this is our sect’s flower banquet, and this is your sect’s person! Are you going to look after him or not?!”

Lan XiChen, “ Why have they begun to argue again?”

Lan WangJi looked over there, yet his feet were still stuck to the ground. A while later, as if he was finally determined to do something, he stepped forward. He was about to go over when Jiang Cheng’s voice came, “Wei WuXian, you can just shut your mouth. Young Master Jin, I’m sorry. My sister is doing quite well. Thank you for your concern. We can talk about this next time.”

Jiang Cheng's reaction is so different here than before, in Gusu, where he was angry at Jin Zixuan and confronted him alongside Wei Wuxian. Here it's clear that Jiang Cheng has already entered the political world as the new Jiang sect leader, and therefore had to tread lightly.

Hands behind his back, Wei WuXian walked at a fast pace. His face was dark, and he didn’t pay attention to anyone. Lan WangJi walked a step toward him, but before he had a chance to speak, the two of them brushed shoulders and parted.

lksjdlkjsdlkfj I NEED TO DRAW THIS

Chapter 50: Guile —Part Five

Paperman WuXian flew into the cabinet and stepped with force on Suibian’s hilt. With a clang, the blade heeded his command and sprang from the sheath!

Now this is also something I'd like to have more explanation about. Wei Wuxian in his second life has the little bit of spiritual energy Mo Xuanyu has cultivated, right? So he can use Suibian and fight it too now? Basically, Wei Wuxian of his second life is able to cultivate, am I getting it right?

Paperman WuXian stuck like glue to half of Lan WangJi’s face. It looked as though it was shivering. Lan WangJi’s eyes were covered by its two wide sleeves. He let it shiver for a while before gingerly picking it up.

I need to draw this too hahaha

Yet, having not expected his body to still be disoriented, he felt dizzy and leaned forward. Seeing this, Lan WangJi caught him in his arms. Wei WuXian lifted his head once more, and the top of his head collided with Lan WangJi’s chin. With a thud, both of them grunted in pain. Wei WuXian rubbed his head with one hand and felt Lan WangJi’s chin with the other, “Ugh! I’m sorry. Lan Zhan, you alright?”

Two dorks in love <3

He didn’t expect that Jin Ling really would come at him.

The thought in Wei WuXian’s mind was, He could be like anyone, yet he just so happened to have taken over his uncle Jiang Cheng. They even like to stab the same places.

Now it really makes me wonder, did Jin Ling know where he was stabbing? Did he really intend to kill Wei Wuxian? Jiang Cheng stabbed him this way to make it seem they fought, but it was a wound they knew he won't die from and would heal. Hmm...

Wei WuXian called out, “… Lan Zhan.”

Lan WangJi’s breathing wasn’t as placid as usual, feeling somewhat rushed. It was probably from carrying Wei WuXian while fending off attacks and being on the run for too long.

The tone in which he replied, however, was still the single syllable, as steady as ever, “Mnn.”

After the “mnn”, he added, “I am here.”

Hearing the words, something that Wei WuXian had never felt before sprouted within his heart. It was like sorrow. His chest hurt a bit, but also felt a bit warm.

He could still remember how, back in Jiangling, Lan WangJi came all the way to assist him, yet he didn’t appreciate the kindness at all. With all kinds of disputes, the two of them often parted with disapproval.

But what he hadn’t expected was that when everyone feared him and flattered him, Lan WangJi scolded him right in his face; when everyone spurned him and loathed him, Lan WangJi stood by his side.


(Also: "Lan WangJi’s breathing wasn’t as placid as usual, feeling somewhat rushed. It was probably from carrying Wei WuXian while fending off attacks and being on the run for too long." NO IDIOT, he is simply afraid of losing you!!!)

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 51-60 

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 31-40




Regarding Mo Xuanyu - it is more likely that it was a power play by Jin Guangyao, as Xuanyu was more qualified to become Sect leader by virtue of birth. Thus has much fan-fiction risen from the ambiguity of the text. We never hear anything from Mo Xuanyu himself, only second and third hand stories. The parallels with stories about Wei Wuxian seems pretty obvious.


I've never been fond of the Yi City arc however I must admit, it can be hard to adapt something from written word. The novel version hits harder. :-( ~~~~ <3 Drunk LWJ ~~~~ Mo Xuanyu called for the sacrifice of Meng Yao. Perhaps he purposely antagonized MY to get out of Carp Tower, perhaps he was played hard by MY. There are so many unknowns! ~~~~ *cries* oh the last section, "Mn. I am here." <3


Wait why did it lose half of what I typed. GRR. Anyways! <3 drunk LWJ! Re: Mo Xuanyu, he called to have Meng Yao killed per the requirements of the sacrifice ritual. Perhaps he purposely antagonized Meng Yao to get out of Carp Tower, or perhaps it was a power play as Dal said above. Thus fanon suggestions! Lastly! "Mn. I am here." <3 <3 <3


yeah...I mean how exactly does a poor kid like Mo Xuanyu harass someone like Jin Guangyao, it just seems so ooc....I'm sure he was set up :(