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Chapter 21: Contentment—Part 3

The leader of the QingheNie Sect used to be ChiFeng-Zun, Nie MingJue. After his father, the last sect leader, was outraged to death by the leader of the QishanWen Sect, Wen RuoHan, he took over the Nie Sect before he even reached twenty, doing everything in a direct, forceful fashion. He was also sworn brothers with ZeWu-Jun, Lan XiChen, and LianFang-Zun, Jin GuangYao. After the Sunshot Campaign, the Nie Sect was quite powerful with him in the lead, its influence almost reaching that of the LanlingJin Sect’s. But, after a qi deviation, he died in front of the public’s eyes, and so, the next person in line for the sect leader position must have been his younger brother, Nie HuaiSang. Wei WuXian inquired, “Why is he called the ‘head shaker’?”

This part is a bit strange to me.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are in Qinghe, talking to a charlatan who mentions the man eating castle. When asked why the Nie sect isn't doing anything to help, he says that the current sect leader (Nie Huaisang) is useless. This paragraph comes after, and from the way its written, I assume that this is not the narrator, but Wei Wuxian's thinking, because:

But, after a qi deviation, he died in front of the public’s eyes, and so, the next person in line for the sect leader position must have been his younger brother, Nie HuaiSang. Wei WuXian inquired, “Why is he called the ‘head shaker’?”

If this was a fact told by the narrator, then there wouldn't be a need to say "must have been", because the narrator knows. This is why I assume that this is Wei Wuxian thought process as he realizes that Nie Huaisang is now the sect leader and then asks why he's called a "head shaker". My problem with this is that, if indeed it's Wei Wuxian's stepping aside from the dialogue to tell us what happened, how come he knows that Nie Mingjue died from qi deviation if it happened after his own death? I would assume he'd have to be surprised to know that Nie Mingjue did and was replaced by his younger brother.

Seeing them walk over, Wei WuXian knew that something was going to go wrong, and ducked back behind Lan WangJi again. As he had expected, when these walking corpses wobbled to about twenty meters ahead of them, as they saw Wei WuXian, they were so terrified that they immediately turned around to retreat, their speed two or three times faster than when they came over. Wei WuXian rubbed his temples, turned around, and spoke in a fearful voice, “Wow, HanGuang-Jun, you’re so cool! They were so scared when they saw you that they ran away at once! Haha.”

This is also something I don't understand.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji make their way to the Xinglu ridge to find the man eating castle and see a bunch of low level fierce corpses ahead. But apparently, when they sense Wei Wuxian, they get scared and start to run in the other direction. And I'm like "why?" I'm just trying to understand Wei Wuxian's powers and his abilities because I still feel that they are a mystery to me. Why are fierce corpses afraid of Wei Wuxian when they see him? I don't remember it being the case with other times he was around them. And even more so, to me it seemed that they were rather pleased when Wei Wuxian was around because he enabled them to carry out their rage of resentment haha

If anyone has an idea, please share!

Chapter 22: Contentment—Part 4

Suddenly, the strings quivered, and one note sounded on its own.

Wei WuXian asked, “Inquiry?”

Inquiry was a famous piece composed by an ancestor in the GusuLan Sect. Different from Evocation, it was used when the victim’s identity was unknown and there wasn’t a medium. The player used notes of the guqin to inquire, asking questions to the victim, while the victim’s answers would be transformed into melodies by Inquiry and shown on the strings.

Now this is interesting because I remember the fanon idea of Lan Wangji playing inquiry after Wei Wuxian died to search for him. Maybe I don't know all the details of that fanon, but here we see that inquiry is used when the identity of the victim is unknown. But Lan Wangji did know the identity of Wei Wuxian. Maybe the fanon meant that Lan Wangji played this melody to ask random spirits around if they saw Wei Wuxian? Anyways, I know it's fanon but it's such a beautiful idea *sobs*

Wei WuXian was dumbfounded.

“Here” probably referred to this stone castle. But, before this, they searched through the whole place, and hadn’t seen Jin Ling. Wei WuXian spoke, “It can’t lie, right?”

Lan WangJi, “I am here, so it cannot.”

Indeed, it couldn’t. The person inquiring was HanGuang-Jun. Under his control, the spirit who came was unable to lie, and had definitely been answering the truth.

You're so cool Hanguang Jun!!!!!!!

Chapter 23: Malice—Part One

Hearing the ‘I’ll be back’, Lan WangJi took one deep look at him and walked off without any more words. The spiritual dog wanted to throw itself over again. Wei WuXian immediately shouted, “W-w-w-wait! Take the dog away! Take it!!!”

Lan WangJi had to come back again. He looked down at the black-haired spiritual dog. Too scared to put up any resistance, it yapped as it trailed behind Lan WangJi, turning around to look at Jin Ling once in awhile.

You're so cool Hanguang Jun #2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, but seriously, it's worth noting that a spiritual dog is scared from Lan Wangji more than it's loyal to its own owner. What is your magic, Lan Zhan???

Chapter 24: Malice—Part Two

Jiang Cheng found an empty room and threw Wei WuXian inside, closing the door behind him. The dog followed them inside and sat by the door. Wei WuXian had his eyes tightly locked on it, afraid that it would pounce on him at the next possible moment. Remembering how he had been controlled in just a short amount of time, he exclaimed in his heart that Jiang Cheng really knew the best way to deal with him.

Meanwhile, Jiang Cheng slowly sat down by the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

For a moment, no one spoke a word. The cup of tea was still steaming hot. Without having a single sip of it, he hurled it onto the ground.


Jiang Cheng what the actual fuckkkkk who taught you these interrogation methods of pouring yourself a cup of tea and then smashing it to the ground a second after???? Hahahahahaha poor shop owner (if the tea cup and kettle were his, cause if not, I'm totally gonna assume that Jiang Cheng carries tea, kettle and cup just to make this scene in front of the people he interrogates).

Being in the same room as it already made Wei WuXian sweat in uneasiness. Seeing that the large, snarling dog closed in on him in less than a second, his ears were full of its low howls and his entire body numbed. He had forgotten about much of his early years of wandering on the streets. The only things he still remembered was the terror he felt as he was chased by dogs and the slicing pain of teeth and claws digging into his flesh. The fear that had been planted deep within his heart couldn’t be overcome or eased no how he tried.

Noooooo poor baby!!! T^T

It's so sad that he always gets beings gang up on him and tear his flesh, like the dogs, like the corpses when he died :(

A moment later, he corrected himself, “No. You weren’t necessarily the one whom Lan WangJi was protecting. After all, the GusuLan Sect couldn’t have forgotten what you did with that loyal dog of yours. How could someone so celebrated for his righteousness tolerate the likes of you? Maybe he’s familiar with this body that you stole instead.”

His words were cruel and sinister. Every sentence seemed well-meaning on the surface, but was actually derogatory. Wei WuXian couldn’t bear with it any longer, “Watch your language.”

Jiang Cheng, you FUCKING snake!!!

So you're afraid of confronting Lan Wangji when you see him on Dafan Mountain, but you have no problem saying such stuff about him behind his back. Really low of you, you have no honor!

I didn't remember that Wei Wuxian told him to watch his words here too, after Jiang Cheng insulted Lan Wangji and implied about his sexuality. He told him that at the near end of the book, when Wei Wuxian was already sure about his feelings towards Lan Wangji and, trying to defend his honor against Jiang Chengs accusations in the Jiang ancestral hall (because implying that Lan Wangji is gay is a huge insult). It's interesting to see him tell Jiang Cheng to watch his words at the same accusation, even though Wei Wuxian himself doesn't think of himself as attracted to men, or having any feelings towards Lan Wangji. He only just came back to life, his relationship with Lan Wangji isn't clear yet (after years of being opponents), yet he still defends his honor. Interesting!

The person who caused Jin Ling to be criticized behind his back in such a way is nobody else but you. You’re quite the forgetful old man, aren’t you? Have you forgotten the things you said and the promises you made? Then, do you still remember how his parents died?!”

(This is Jiang Cheng talking to Wei Wuxian)

Reading it a second time I suddenly realize that he mentions the promise Wei Wuxian made to always stand by him, to be the Lotus Pier's two prides. Though he doesn't say it deliberately.

Also it's clear from here that Jiang Cheng DOES indeed blame Wei Wuxian for Jin Zixuan's and Jiang Yanli's deaths, which I think was the whole changing point in his relationship with Wei Wuxian. Even when the sects tried to tear their ties, it's clear that, even though he was under pressure, Jiang Cheng still stood by him and desperately tried to cover for him in front of the other sects, just like he did when he was young. But I think, it was the death of those he considered family, like Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli, that Jiang Cheng finally felt betrayed and couldn't forgive Wei Wuxian.

However, although there were some curse marks that he was unable to remove, he could transfer them to his own body.

Wei Wuxian transfers Jin Ling's curse to his own body, and this again shows how loyal he is yet to the Jiang family, to the point he's willing to sacrifice his own body (like with the Golden Core removal) T^T

Chapter 25: Malice—Part Three

After a moment of silence, Lan WangJi responded, “But you have also carried me on your back before.”

Wei WuXian, “Did such a thing ever happen? Why don’t I remember?”

Lan WangJi answered in an indifferent tone, “You never remember such things.”

Wei WuXian, “Everyone says that I have a bad memory. Alright, fine. Anyways, I’m not letting you carry me on your back.”

Lan WangJi, “Are you sure?”

Wei WuXian replied in a resolute manner, “I’m sure.”

The two stayed silent for a while. Suddenly, one of Lan WangJi’s arms wrapped around his back and, as Lan WangJi bent down slightly, another went toward the back of his knees.

Wei WuXian was both shorter and lighter than him. Therefore, he was picked up easily, his body was embraced in a pair of firm arms. Wei WuXian didn’t expect his answer to lead to this at all. Both in his past and current lives, it was the first time that he had been treated like this by anyone. He was horrified, “Lan Zhan!!!”

Carrying him, Lan WangJi both walked and replied to him steadily, “You said that you didn’t want to be carried on my back.”

THIS IS SUCH AN EPIC MOMENT, because this is Lan Wangji being "a smart ass" like Wei Wuxian, when he takes the things said to him literally and twists it to still get his way lolololol. You'd expect this kind of thing from Wei Wuxian but here, Lan Zhan shows he gained some tricks himself! Also this part is just *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

Oh yeah, and here's another example of Wei Wuxian forgetting things. Lan Xichen come over here and scold him again!

It seems that Lan Zhan’s heart for revenge is actually quite strong. He’s going to make me pay for however many times I‘ve teased him in the past and take the fun away. This is such an improvement. Not only has his level of cultivation improved, his face also improved.

Wei Wuxian's thoughts about this mwehehehehe

Wei WuXian asked, “Lan Zhan, you’ve known that it was me ever since we were at Dafan Mountain, right?”

Lan WangJi, “Yes.”

Wei WuXian wondered, “How could you tell?”

Lan WangJi looked down at him, “You want to know?”

Wei WuXian declared, “Yes.”

Lan WangJi, “You told me yourself.”

My god, Lan Wangji, you player!!! This exchange was so beautiful :')

Chapter 27: Malice—Part Five

Wei WuXian felt for the bamboo flute that had been by his waist, but he found nothing. Turning around, he saw that Lan WangJi already had the flute in his hands. Lan WangJi’s head tilted slightly downward. He only handed the flute back after carving on it for a while, in a dedicated manner. Taking the flute back, Wei WuXian noticed that, after it had been adjusted, even rough details such as the finger holes were much finer.

Lan WangJi, “Play it properly.”

Smooth move, Lan Wangji!

Not only does he secretly perfect Wei Wuxian bamboo flute, which kinda shows how he approves of this tool and the things it's used for, but now that he revealed to Wei Wuxian that he knows his identity, he can finally demand him to start playing properly and stop hurting his ears hahaha

Chapter 28: Dew—Part One

Wei WuXian indicated with his hands, “A bit is just a bit. How do I explain it? Should I take my clothes off and show you?”

Lan WangJi’s brows shifted slightly, as if he was actually worried that Wei WuXian would strip right here and right now. He replied with an indifferent tone, “Take them off after we return.”

Lan Wangji, the police called and asked you to stop committing murder with this straightforwardness. Thank you.

Lan WangJi turned around and got going at once. Wei WuXian immediately interrupted, “Wait. HanGuang-Jun, may I ask where you’re going?”

Lan WangJi looked back, “To find the cultivational sect of this area.”

Wei WuXian tugged at his sword tassel and dragged him in the opposite direction, “Why would you find them? This is their area; even if they know, they wouldn’t tell you. They either couldn’t deal with it and hid it so that they didn’t lose face, or tried as hard as they could since they didn’t want other people to meddle with things. My honorable HanGuang-Jun, it isn’t that I want to purposely shame you, but you really can’t do without me when handling things outside. If you ask around in such a manner, I’d be surprised if you actually managed to get results.”

I always loved this part so much!

It really shows the differences of their characters and their approach. Lan Wangji is again, thinking within the confines "of what should be done according to our society's conduct", and Wei Wuxian is teaching him the methods that may seem unworthy of their status, but that are the most practical. It's a bit like a prince came out of his palace to see the life of the common people hahaha.

Also I JUST LOVE the tenderness in which Wei Wuxian acts here, how he tags on Bichen's tassel and makes Lan Wangji turn around, trying to oppose his idea in such sweet words. AHHHHHHHH

Wei WuXian pretended as if he couldn’t understand Lan WangJi’s expression. Continuing to pull on the other’s sword tassel, he stepped into the street of liquor shops with beaming eyes.

Here it is again! It's so cute, I really wanna draw ittt

The waiter was more than delighted and rushed back inside the shop. Wei WuXian turned to Lan WangJi, “We’re doing business here, aren’t we? First we help their business, then we talk about other things. After we pay, it’ll be easy to get them talking.”

My boy is so smart and practical T^T

Chapter 29:  Dew—Part Two

The young waiter had an outgoing personality, getting friendly with strangers a bit too quickly. Although they only chatted for a short while, he was already treating Wei WuXian as if they were friends. He came over to put his arm around Wei WuXian’s shoulder, “Is the work that you two do hard? Do you earn lots of money? Probably a ton, right? What a respectable job. Let me ask you something—is it difficult to get started? I…”

pfffttt hahahaha this part is so relatable in its realism though, this is really how some common people act (at least here where I live), asking these sort of questions to find out how they can earn more and find a better job lololol

Chapter 30: Dew—Part Three

In most cases, only few people knew about the tragedies that happened in smaller clans, but the circumstances back then were different. The Sunshot Campaign finished long ago, while the siege at Luanzang Hill only just ended. On the surface, the situation seemed rather stable. With the sudden disclosure of this event, the entire cultivation world was bubbling with discussion, some even exaggerating that it was the revenge of the revived YiLing Patriarch, Wei WuXian. However, there wasn’t any evidence, so it had been impossible to find the killer.

This is really such a smart point made by MXTX, I love how she doesn't just throw events, but also explains the various possibilities and connections that happen in between.

Just to think how the people of this world felt so empowered after defeating the greatest 2 evils - the Wen sect in the Sunshot Campaign, and the Yiling Laozu in the siege on Burial Mounds, so like, you have this period of thinking that the root of all problems is gone and that now everything must be in peace now, only to have the entire Chang clan wiped out. And like, how do you deal with that? Could it be that there's another evil lurking somewhere? Nahhh let's just blame Yiling Laozu. It's really the most comfortable thing to do, cause it's like, they're in some sort of psychological denial that right now they're gonna have to deal with another problem, so it must be the old problem. There couldn't actually exist an evil like the Tiling Laozu unless it's him itself.

Really interesting point.

When Wei WuXian first created it, he didn’t think too much about it. Single-handedly controlling corpses and spirits, of course he’d occasionally grow tired. Remembering a rare piece of iron ore he happened to have seen in a beast’s stomach, he used it to cast a Tiger Seal.

But, after the Tiger Seal had been created, Wei WuXian only used it once before finding out that it did more harm than good.

The Stygian Tiger Seal’s powers were considerably greater than what he had imagined. He originally wanted to use it to assist him, but its powers were almost exceeding him, its creator.

Moreover, it didn’t settle on one single master. This meant that if someone got hold of it, no matter who they were, whether they were good or bad, friend or foe, they were able to use it.

After the seal had been forged, it wasn’t that Wei WuXian never thought about destroying it, but since the seal was created with much difficulty, it would’ve been extremely hard to destroy, costing him both time and energy. And, back then, he had already vaguely understood that he wasn’t in a good situation and would be hated by everyone sooner or later. With a weapon as appalling as the Stygian Tiger Seal, others didn’t dare to act rashly, so he temporarily kept it. He separated the seal into two halves, making it so that they could only be of use when they were put together, and never used without careful consideration.

He had only used it two times before, and both times caused great bloodshed. The first time was during the Sunshot Campaign. After using it for the second time, he finally decided to destroy one half of the seal. Before he could completely destroy the other half, the siege at Luanzang Hill happened, and it had since then been beyond his capabilities.

Toward his own creation, Wei WuXian was confident to say that even if the sect that got hold of it, made a temple for it, and offered it incense every single day, the remaining half of the Tiger Seal was just a piece of scrap iron. However, Lan WangJi told him something shocking—it appeared that Xue Yang could rebuild the other half of the seal!

This is a really helpful text info about the Stygian Tiger Seal and what was Wei Wuxian's experience with it. I think I missed some of these parts in my first reading, but now it's more clear. I will definitely need that in future "House of Gentians" arcs.

The LanlingJin Sect was indeed the sect with the thickest face. Although, on Jinling Tower, it promised in front of all of the sects that Xue Yang would be executed, when it left Nie MingJue’s sight, it immediately shut Xue Yang into the dungeons and changed the original decision to a life sentence. Hearing about the matter, Nie MingJue was enraged and pressed on them again. The LanlingJin Sect rambled about, refusing to give him Xue Yang no matter how hard he tried. All of the other sects watched them from the sidelines, but, shortly afterward, Nie MingJue passed away from Qi deviation.

It seems that Jin GuangYao got rid of Nie MingJue not only for personal matters, but because he was in the way, huh...

Wei WuXian found this a bit strange. Although Lan WangJi looked as if he didn’t care about anything, from Wei WuXian’s past experiences with him, he absolutely couldn’t stand wrongdoings, possibly even more than Nie HuaiSang’s brother. Back then, the LanlingJin Sect had some dishonest ways of doing things, and Lan WangJi never bothered to be subtle about them. Even until now, he always refused to go to their sect’s Discussion Conferences.

If two cruel massacres happened, the news would’ve probably spread over the entire cultivational world and Lan WangJi definitely wouldn’t have turned a blind eye to them. Why did he not go and give Xue Yang what he deserved?

Just as he was about to ask, he remembered the scars that the discipline whip gave him.
One lash of the discipline whip would already be quite severe. If Lan WangJi made some sort of a grave mistake and received so many lashes, he had probably been grounded for a few years. It was likely that he was either going through his punishment or waiting for his wounds to heal during the years when the incidents happened. No wonder he said had only “heard” about what happened.

For some reason, in his heart, Wei WuXian cared quite a lot about those scars. However, it was inconvenient for him to ask directly, so he had to hold his thoughts for now, “Then, what happened to the Daozhang Xiao XingChen afterwards?”

Noooo my baby!! ;____;

I'm so glad that Wei Wuxian stopped to think about what happened to Lan Wangji at that time. MXTX puts it out so cleverly, because the reason Wei Wuxian wonders at this point is not because he cares about Lan Wangji, but because it's strange to him that such important events happened and Lan Wangji was not there. It's a sense of Wei Wuxian knowing exactly what Lan Wangji's character is, and wondering about why he was absent. He's smart enough to use some clues he got, like witnessing the whip scars, to make the connection between the two event.

And again - MY BABY!!! ;___;

Jin GuangYao took over the LanlingJin Sect and the position of Sect Leader. To show that things were going to be different, the first thing he did after he came to power was to get rid of Xue Yang. Aside from never mentioning the Stygian Tiger Seal again, he also made amends to restore the sect’s reputation, suppressing the rumors.

That sly bastard (literally). It just fits the character MXTX built for him so well. Proclaiming that he got rid of Xue Yang (when of course he didn't) just to maintain the good relations with the sects and erase all suspicion. It's a smart move as somebody who knows he's just stepping into power, so he needs to make a great move to gein everyone's support, trust and acceptance.

Having finished listening to the long story, Wei WuXian sighed softly. A feeling of regret sprouted inside him, Meeting such an end because of something not related to him at all, it really was… If Xiao XingChen was born a few years earlier or if I died a few years later, things wouldn’t have had to be like this. If I was alive, how would I have not taken part in the matter? How would I have not made friends with such a person?

Immediately afterward, he laughed at himself bitterly, I would’ve done something? What could I have done? If I was still alive back then, perhaps the YueyangChang Sect’s case didn’t even need to be investigated before everyone decided that I did it. If the Daozhang Xiao XingChen bumped into me on the streets and I chatted with him, invite him to drink together, it’s likely that he’d hit me with his horsetail whisk, haha.

Again, a genius part.

It shows how Wei Wuxian that he could stand on one side, the side of Xiao XingChen, because he knows who he really is, what his thoughts and beliefs are, and how he would act.

But then he remembers how he was actually perceived in those days, meaning, that it doesn't matter what the real you is, it matters what people say about you and who the public thinks you are. So even a righteous man like Xiao XingChen would probably believe the things that are said about Wei Wuxian, because it's the easiest way to do than to go and check the facts.

And this leads me to this next part:

Wei WuXian had to comment on the matter, “Things like soul-summoning, you can’t rely on them too much. Time, place, and person all play a part in it, so of course it’d sometimes go wrong. I’m guessing that a lot of people think that it was Xiao XingChen’s revenge? HanGuang-Jun, what about you? What do you think?

Lan WangJi slowly shook his head, “One should not comment without understanding the whole picture.”


He looked up at Lan WangJi and smiled, “HanGuang-Jun, why are you looking at me like this? I’m not saying anything. Just like you, I don’t understand the whole picture, so I’m not going to comment either. You’re right. Before knowing all of the turns and twists, causes and effects, nobody should presume anything about anything."

Even though they are talking about the case of the Chang clan, I can't help but to bring it back to the case of Yiling Laozu, how everyone was quick to judge and jump into conclusions, and the rumors just started spreading more and more, getting worse and worse. Lan Wangji knew the real Wei Wuxian, and seeing how his reputation degraded just like that so simply without people understanding the reality probably taught him what he just said to Wei Wuxian in the quote above.

One should not comment without understanding the whole picture.

And this brings me to today age of misinformation. I just finished watching "the Social Dilemma" on Netflix, when they talk about the manipulation of Social Media on people (I really urge you to watch it!) one of the things they stated was that today, the social media is a place where misinformation is spread 5 times faster than true, based information. And it's REALLY concerning. Especially with tools like AI getting smarter and smarter. Spreading misinformation can lead to real life consequences. The ease with which people (especially young) hit like and share on things that are false and have no base for, is really concerning.

At times like this we should remember the thing Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian said.

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 31-40 

MDZS rereading commentary || Chapters 11-20



Oli Belokapova

ah, i enjoyed so much your reactions! thank you! and very good catch for the first 2 questions. i wonder what other smart people would say, i have no idea :(


Fierce corpses run from WY while spiritual dogs (maybe all dogs) run from LZ. Can't catch a break, ha! (man how do I put multiple paragraphs on patreon) Anyway, it is easy to forget just how *young* Nie MingJue was when he became sect leader. Was JÇ of the same age too? Lastly! You are correct, LZ accepts WY's spiritual tool of a flute, he accepts WY of all of him! <3


hehehehe :) Well, I think that during the Wen indoctrination and the Tulu Xuanwu incident they were around 17? Considering Lotus Pier burned short time afterwards, and both of Jiang Chengs parents were killed, I suppose he too, was around 18 when he became sect leader?