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Hey guys,

My daughter suddenly developed a very high fever today out of the blue and is feeling very bad. We have no idea what's the cause. She doesn't have cough, a runny nose, skin rash or any other sign to what might have caused it.

I hope tomorrow she will feel better, but if not, there might be a chance that I won't be active/post stuff these couple of days or until she gets better.

Thank you for your understanding,

You rock and I love you all




Wishing you and baby girl all the best ❤️


If i remember correctly my baby had fever for 3-4 days without any sympthons, and the doctor called it “3-day-fever” which is a common thing and nothing to worry about. Just be sure that her temperature stay under 40Celsius. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yeah you were right it was just that...on the first day she had 39.6, that's why we were scared. But it really did pass after 3 days. We also gave her fever reliever of course T^T Thank you love <333