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Working on that art piece of Wei Wuxian before shooting the arrow blindfolded put thoughts in my brain:

Losing his golden core made Wei Wuxian lose a lot of his power and abilities (thus he turned to dark arts) and feeling vulnerable, he decided to never carry his sword from the fear that he would be challenged to duel someone. 

But even as Yiling Laozu, and his dark powers aside, Wei Wuxian wasn’t weak probably. It’s during this time exactly that he showed such mastery in archery (shooting bullseye blindfolded in phoenix mount hunt, and killing a man just by throwing the arrow at him with his hand).

And I just think that this is so badass! I imagine yllz!wwx carrying a bow and quiver on him, and reaching the level of transferring dark magic to his arrows when he shoots. And we also got to know that Wen Ning was a real pro in archery and it’s sad that it wasn’t explored in the story... so imagine if corpse!WN could reach fine motor skills with time as WWX perfected him, and the both of them, the Yiling Laozu and the Ghost General could become the most fearsome dark archers in the cultivation world.




This is beautiful, I loved it when I saw it on your Twitter! I can about imagine if it had been animated too.


As usual, I love the way you think!


Thank you so much! I really worked fast to get the idea across but as I was working on it it reminded me of the style of the Wangxian.mp3 video from the audio drama hahaha