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Hello everyone <33

Today we had a heart examination for baby, cause there's been a little problem they found in the hospital after she was born - a tiny hole in the wall that separates the two chambers of the heart. Today, almost half a year later we went to check if it closed (they said that it's supposed to start closing at 5 months), and it looks like it's still there T^T

The doctor said that the heart functions normally and that the hole is really very small, and that we're going to have another examination when she'll be 2 years old to see if it closed.

Anyways just wanted to share and to thank you all again for the amazing support you're giving me!
Although baby makes it harder to focus and work and share content for you guys, she is the one you're helping the most!
So really thank you from the bottom of our hearts, even if there are tiny holes in them <3 <3 <3




Any baby health stuff is so stressful &lt;3 Wishing you all well.


I’m a little late commenting on this, but I have an 8-month old and I know how stressful medical situations can be when it comes to infants. Hang in there, you’re doing a great job, and I’m sending good vibes your way from the US!


Omg thank you so much, and yes, it's really like this 😭 Sending love to you and your baby! ❤💕❤💕