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Hello everyone!

It's been a week since my last (personal) post and funny thing is that very same day I already gave birth. Amazing how no matter how much you prepare yourself no one prepares you to the actual real deal.

It was the most painful thing that has ever happened to me, and probably the most painful thing a human being can experience on earth. My contractions started at 12 AM, we arrived at the hospital at 1 AM, after being checked I was submitted to the delivery room where they told me to rest and take a hot shower to ease the pain but it was already beginning to get too much so my husband called the nurse and she told me "you're already in labor, push!" So I'm on that bed, like what??? I was sure that the contractions is something that take at least one day of gradually building pain, and that you have time to get used to it. Hell I even bough a fitball and TENS machine to ease them, but who even had the time to use them?! The snacks we made? Took one and threw up while being monitored because of the horrible pain.
But nothing of that compares to the delivery itself. I already knew that I was going to do this naturally, without an epidural. For a first time birth everyone though I was crazy but I just wanted to do what my body was built to do. I would much rather feel the pain but FEEL that I'm working on it, than to lose sensation of my lower body. But during the process, while screaming like a person on one of those torture beds you see in torture museums, I screamed and begged for like 10000 needles. It was so. fucking. painful. I FELT IT TEAR. It was burning so much, and I think the entire hospital heard my screaming. My husband who had to hold me down together with the nurse and calm me and encourage me was traumatized. He didn't show it then but after it was done he confessed. I never saw him cry in the whole 7 years of us being together. He tried to hide it, and I first I thought he was having an allergy with all the tissue and puffy red eyes. My husband never cried, but then he did. He told me that he was terrified at seeing me in so much pain. He still didn't get over it. Like almost any other man he thought that women were exaggerating, but you have to see him now, how thoughtful he is, how helpful he is, like he never was before. I'm glad that experience could change his somewhat chauvinistic views hahaha

BUT....the moment they put my baby girl on me, which was born at 3:30 AM, it was like all pain was gone and I was filled with so much happiness! However that was not the end of the story, unfortunately. A couple of hours after arriving to my bed, with terrible and burning pain, after eating something small cause I really had no appetite, I wanted to go and see my baby where they kept all newborns. Only to discover her being monitored, while all other newborns were safely tucked in plastic hospital cribs and going through normal baby-care routine by the nurses. Apparently she had low oxygen saturation in her blood. I was constantly going there to check in on her until hours later I receive a phone call saying that they have to move her to the NICU to be under more intense monitoring. There, which was on the second floor from where I was, my baby had like 3 cables attached to her body, And was constantly pierced by needles for blood count cause they discovered something in her heart and lungs, had to give her anti-biotics, and also put her under a big lamp cause she developed jaundice. I can't even begin to describe how painful it was to see your baby child going through this, and to see her wail every time she was pierced by a needle. I can't also describe the feeling of seeing all other new moms in the rooms resting in their beds, their babies in the plastic cribs near them, while you, with all the BURNING FUCKING PAIN and stitches and heavy bleeding trying to "man up", and go between the first and second floor almost constantly each day. I had no sleep at all, I just couldn't, not only because of my worrying (and the uncomfortable hospital bed) but also because I was adamant on nursing my child so they called me every time she needed feeding and I went there, just trying to do it, and not really succeeding. I just couldn't get her to latch properly no matter how much the consultants taught me, and it was so so so painful cause she was biting with her gums. Not to mention that she was beginning to get restless and cry her throat raw, which led the nurses to say that maybe I should consider using formula instead.
The whole atmosphere was so pressuring and even judgmental sometimes.

I was released on the third day of being there, but baby was not. That's why for the nest 2 days, while still being in great pain, my husband drove me to the hospital to be with her, from morning till evening. I was barely walking, but I carried a big backpack with me just to make sure I have the necessary stuff for her and me staying there for like 10 hours . I was still barely sleeping.

Good news were on Friday when I was still at home and got a phone call telling me that she's alright now, expect for the jaundice (that will have to be treated by my local medical clinic) and that we can take her home. So we took our precious radish home that day, and then the next set of trouble began - taking care of an infant, trying to decipher just what in HELL does she want when she cries. So...overall??? STILL NO SLEEP.
I got better at breastfeeding though, at least that, but she still cries so much and complains and stresses us out!! But I believe that each day I'm getting to know her and her temper a bit better than the previous day. And I hope that with time it will get even better.

I really hope I can be back to drawing ASAP, (TBH it still hurts sitting cause of the stitches LMAO)

Anyways thank you all so so so much for all the support and well wishes and for simply staying here and supporting me even when I don't give you content. You guys are the best!
Prepare for the exclusive art pieces tomorrow!!!

Love you all! 




Oh my god babe what a soldier you are!!! God I can’t imagine how traumatizing and exhausting this whole ordeal must have been, your strength is incredible. I’m very glad to hear you were able to go home with baby (love that you called her radish!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!) and I hope things smooth out from here on. To reiterate what someone else said above: this is your show, your body, your child, the judgment of others be damned. I wish you and your family nothing but health and some damn rest 😂 congratulations mama.


Congratulations! 🥰 You did something amazing, I hope that through all this, you realize how incredible all of it is. I mean... you litteraly incarnated a soul 😅. Try not to worry too much, you're already a great mom, being there for your baby as much as you can ❤ I'm sure she already knows how loved she is. Take care of yourself and of your new bundle of joy 😊 and kick your husband's ass so he does his part too! Thank you for sharing that part of your life with us 😊. -xox-


Congratulations on the beautiful baby!! Take all the time you and your family need and take care of yourself as well.


Congratulations on the new addition. Sending you all the healing vibes and well wishes!


Oh my god you brave soul. Congratulations, I'm glad everyone is home safe. Sending wishes that the family heals and thrives. ❤


So glad you both made it through safely in the end. You’re a superhero. I attempted a natural birth but in the end gave in to an epidural because the pain was like nothing I had ever experienced. You’re an absolute rockstar for sticking with it, and I’m so glad you got to take your baby girl home at last. Congratulations again! You’ve got this! ❤️


Oh sweetie! I'm sorry it was such a hard experience but I'm glad your baby is home with you now! A couple of unsolicited tips (so - IGNORE if not wanted!!!) from the "fragile infant" training I had pre-adoption, that worked for our BB - being in the NICU is very stimulating and difficult for the BB, and they may be extra stressed even when coming home. IF that is what's going on with your BB, reducing stimulation and restricting movement can really help to calm them when they're crying and wont' settle. That means - swaddle so their limbs aren't moving, vertical rocking (up and down, not side to side like most cradles & some swings) can help calm vestibular stimulation, dark & quiet room, and if they look away from your face, let them - babies gaze at mama's face and that's super important, but if they look away it means they need time to process that information, not that they're failing to bond. Basically do stuff you'd do for a person having a migraine? Anyway, all of that might help *if* stimulation is a problem. As she gets used to home routines her brain will sort out all of the experiences and be able to process more stimulation. Anyway, that's just a guess; we didn't have a NICU experience but we have had baby-in-hospital experiences and it's a lot for a little one to process. Also, sympathies and best wishes to your plumbing <3


You were so brave to go the natural route!! I'm glad both you and your baby are safe and healthy! Congratulations on your new baby!


Congratulations! Enjoy your baby and take good care of yourself and your family! <3


Oh my god I can't even imagine how hellish that whole experience must have been, I'm so glad she's finally home with you and you're all recovering and adjusting 💕 p.s. she's adorable 🥺


Thank you so much!! I was really amazed at my own strength and power of will and I think that any mother would do that...mothers are the strongest creatures on the planet T^T Again thank you very much, I appreciate it a lot! <333333


Thank you very very much!!


Thank you very much! Hahaha yes even though that was the most painful, torturing and exhausting thing I ever had to do in my life, I don't regret anything! I wanted to have my baby daughter so much T^T Hahaha my husband was so traumatized from everything that happened to me, he's catering to my every need like never before?! And he loves baby so much he holds her and does everything for her just the same as me <3 Thank you!!! <333


Trust me, there's no shame in taking an epidural! I wish I could ask for it, but it was too late for me T^T But looking back, I'm kinda happy I got to feel what the real thing feels like. Losing sensation is the best thing for this pain, but like....the pain made you realize that you're doing this! hahaha don't know how to explain it >< Thank you so so much!! <333


Your advice was very helpful! She was really stressed the first nights. being in a new place, trying to adapt T^T We did swaddle her, and I try to give her as much skin-to-skin time as I can. I think she's more calm now and also we got to learn her schedule and what she wants, so I think we're making progress! Thank you so much!


Thank you so so much! My decision to go without epidural was actually because I was "not so brave" hahahaha I was too afraid of the needle in my spine and the loss of sensation in my legs. In the end I wish I could get it, but it was too late hahaha


It was the most difficult thing I've ever had to go through in my entire life.... T^T But we opened a new page! Luckily we'll be good parents for her! Thank you so much!!


I'm so glad she's getting settled! Hang in there, you are doing great and eventually you will get some rest, even if it doesn't feel like it right now <3


Omg. Way to go mama! But holy heck. :0