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Hello everyone!

First of all I wanted to say a huge thanks to all of you. Thanks to your support I'm drawing much more frequently (in fact, I never drew so much in my life and I've been drawing since 6 lol) and I feel like with each drawing I'm making a little bit of progress! So THANK YOU FOR THAT!

Your support is also A HUGE HELP for me and my upcoming baby! Since I'm not working I really try to make a humble living with my art and thanks to you I feel like I'm worth something and it really inspires me to go on! Really, I'm so grateful!! 💕💕💖

I have an important notice that you probably all guessed would come at a certain point.
I'm due to give birth somewhere around this month (middle-end of May), god willing 🙏. I will still post regularly here on Patreon, but I just wanted to let you know that if you see me disappear all of a sudden for a few days or even a week, it might be cause I'm at the hospital + trying to adjust to my new life as a mother. I really hope I will be able to make the 2 exclusive pieces by the end of the month, but I do hope you forgive me if I'm late.

If by any chance I feel that I can't adjust yet to drawing full time + taking care of baby, I will let you know and I will stop the payment for that month, until I feel like I'm under control.

Thank you for reading, understanding, and liking my stuff holy fuck hahaha💖💖💖





Wishing you the best for you and your baby :)


Take care of yourself and baby 💖 All the best for you and family


You are amazing. I hope you have a very safe delivery💕💕💕💕


Take care of yourself and best wishes! ❤


Congrats Paknokh! Take all the time you need ❤️


Wishing you and your little bean a smooth delivery! Please take as much time as you need 💕


Wishing you a smooth delivery! Take care of yourself and your new little bean, and take all the time you need! Becoming a new parent is a big life change to get used to!


Congrats and heres hoping for a smooth delivery, a healthy baby, and a fast recovery and adjustment. Take all the time you need and enjoy this new experience!!!




I can only say what the others above me had already said: i wish you a delivery w/o any complication and happy healthy baby. Please give yourself all the time you need to recover, and just focus on your beauty baby and adjust to your new life, bc trust me it won’t be easy at first, but rest assure that you and your hubby can make it together ❤️ and don’t pressure yourself with drawing if you run out of time! we can wait AND WE WILL ☺️❤️


AHHHHH!! A BABY !!!! I hope it goes smoothly, take all the time you need 💕


Thank you so much my dear friend Yona I always appreciate the things you say and you advices! Love you so much!


Wish you safe and smooth delivery! No rush :D