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LoL nothing special about my "work space" it's just the table in the living room 🀣 look at all those oranges and onions together in the same bowl!

WIP from a commission πŸ‘€




Some WX NSFW in the living room πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


I. Love. You.


I read this fic once where wwx tied up lwj like that, but lwj just tore the ties up (cuz he gets extra strong when he’s horny). And well it was the hottest thing ever.


Oh heck yeah tied up lwj~!!! 😍😍😍πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ and your work space is so comfy ^^


Luckily I can do it in my own house now with my husband approving everything ahaha.... When I lived with my family I was closed in my room and even there they would enter without knocking so I just had to close the tab trying not to panic XDDD Hooray for adult life!


Maybe it's the same one??? I uploaded the full pieces now with the link to the fic so see if it's that one! However in this fic LWJ is tied with his own ribbon, I don't think he would tear it lols, but he definitely got free to FUCK HIS HUSBAND GOOD.


Let's preach Yona!!!!! more tied up lwj! more power bottom!wwx!! Hehehehe yeah I like it too :)) <3 Thank you!