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Hi everyone, hope you had a great week and hope you gonna have even greater weekend!
I wanted to share some exciting news with you.....
I'm going to be a mother!
I'm on my second month of pregnancy and things are not going easy....I feel nauseous almost all day, and tiredness can kick in in the middle of the day so I just have to take a nap. My back, shoulders, neck and head sometimes ache, especially when I'm bent down to draw.

That's why drawing can become a very hard task for me when before it was the most fun activity in the world. I wanted to note you all in advance in case I will be slow, or if my works won't be 100% my best.

I also want to say a huge thank you for being here and supporting me, it always meant a lot to me, but now that this platform has become my only source of income, it's even more important for me. Your support is really helping me and my baby~~ <33333!!

So thank you all once again

Love a lot <3
