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Do you ever look back at something you did and cringe? 😂

This was maybe my fourth fan work for MDZS and ughhhhhhhh! Like I said, I started drawing again after not drawing for a while and also I used to draw more “manly” men, with rather crude features so it took me a while to soften my style as I was pulled inside the world of danmei. But still, I’m grateful for each work I did cause each work brought me further and helped me to learn from its mistakes.

To be honest the thing I was proud of the most in this drawing was the composition and the fitting of 4 characters (hell even 6 or even 8 if you think about the horses) in such a small space. It was important for me to portray all the emotions of the 4 of them at that single moment, so it’s really all about the glances. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are in the center, young baby Lan Zhan overwhelmed by what just happened, holds the flower (the focus point) and looks at Wei Wuxian even as his horse moves forward. Wei Wuxian gives him that teasing glance like “yes, it was me but I’m not gonna admit it cause I like to tease you and something about you attracts me but I dunno what so I’m just gonna bully you.” But his teasing glance also holds something dark because the resentful energy in him grows stronger. Jiang Cheng beside him raising a brow, looking at Wei Wuxian, demanding answers about what the hell just happened, but even though the both of them ride in the same direction as they pass the Gusu Jade brothers, Wei Wuxian ignores him and just focuses on Lan Wangji’s startled expression. Lan Xichen is the closest to the viewer, his horse continues forward while Lan Wangji is still a step behind him. We don’t see his eyes but the smile and the assured stride forward is supposed to imply that Zewu-Jun is completely aware of what’s going on between his younger brother and Wei Wuxian, so unlike Jiang Cheng, he lets them be, observing and knowing, but not intruding.

Maybe I should redraw this one some day.

Also I decided not to share the time lapse video cause it’s gonna be LONG.




Honestly I think this is a great piece! My first thought was how impressed I was at your arrangement of everyone in the space without making it seem overly crowded, it’s pretty mature composition! Give past you some credit and some love, it’s a beautiful piece!


Do I feel cringe when looking back some older arts? ALWAYS hahahah 🤣 but still this where all this started and we shoukd be greatful for that “baby-steps” 🥰 and I LOVE THIS ART🥰 The composition is complex and the expression are always well-thought and rich, ahhhh I really Do love it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I can’t wait to see more and can’t wait the redraw ^^


Ahhhh thank you so much! After your words I have a bit more confidence looking at this work, thank you ❤