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All For Nut -  Milf Arc!

Day 27 of MHA Month - featuring Mitsuki Bakugou!

"As he arrived at the Bakugou household, Deku was relieved to see it intact and safe. With his miniature size, he knew he could slip through a small latch underneath the door, squeezing his way through the narrow opening. After navigating a short tunnel between the floorboards, he found himself inside the familiar surroundings of the Bakugou’s living room. With the huge area laying before him, the room looking entirely different to him in his current size as opposed to the previous times he has visited in less dire occasions. Deku’s gaze swept the room, searching for any sign of movement, but as soon as he turned around, he froze in his tracks.

Standing before him, towering like a giant, was Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki’s mom. Her imposing figure filled the room, casting an enormous shadow over Deku as he stared up at her in awe. Mitsuki’s eyes narrowed as she spotted the tiny Deku, her expression a mixture of surprise and suspicion. With a sinking feeling in his stomach, he realised that Mitsuki likely did not recognise him at his size..."

Full Story + Captions in the OneDrive!



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