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Lucky Dip Winner of June Week 2 - Featuring Me, Again!

I was very popular candidate for this month's Lucky Dip Winners, so I figured why not make it a mini series. Here come's the continuation from yesterday's post!

A funny thought crossed my mind while working on this set, back during my uni days when I frequented the park; I looked a lot more like my KKT OC with a much shorter hairstyle. But these days, I look a lot more like my HS2 OC as depicted here as I've let my hair grow out.

Nonetheless, all those countless hours spent studying a degree which I briefly put to use and never again would've been far better with the company an insole or two 😜!

Congratulations to the Winner and Thank you so much for your support!!️

Past winners can be seen in the - Lucky Dip Winners Folder:





Very hot


Yet another BASED render


Absolutely love it! Wish it were me