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Can you guys believe it, I've almost been doing this for one year now!

Although the algorithm hasn't been any the kinder to me, I had a decent amount of growth across my pages in March. I'd like to think my luck is turning around but realistically I attribute to an increased frequency in posts; having made daily posts on Mei Lee Art and a post every second to third day on Mei Lee HS.

Brute forcing does seem to work when it feels like the platforms just don't want me to be seen, but the posting frequency requires a looot of work from my end which makes me question it's sustainability.

Ongoing issues aside, I've had quite a bit of time to reflect and I'm overall really grateful having made the leap to posting my art. Maybe one day I'll even post my earlier cringy (and extremely degenerate) works for you all to laugh at 😂

Milestones for the month:

  • 4100 Watchers on Deviantart! (Stay tuned for celebration - Early sneak peak of image!)
  • 5200 Followers on Pixiv!
  • Passed 100 Patrons during the Month! (Mini-giveaway to take place during the month)

Plans for the upcoming month:

  • Poll for future direction of the page in the next few days, hoping to get a majority of your feedback to determine the type of content you'd like for me to focus on.
  • Episode 3 of the Comic to debut within the next week!
  • 4000 Watcher Celebration in the form of a Giveaway coming soon!
  • A Stockings themed month for Feet Pic of the Week, following a funny story that I'll document each post!
  • Another small giveaway during the month as a thank you to everyone who helped me reach 100+ Patrons last month and has stayed with me throughout all the ups and downs navigating the algorithm.



Marcellus Yonaga





Damn your legs are incredible too.. congratz!