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"Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Now this is a victory that I'm ecstatic about! My TTT2 Main won and as a result, I went all out for this render 🤩

In the interests of taking home the trophy of Tag Tournament Championship, Nina and Anna agreed to set aside their sibling rivalry for a common cause. With their combined efforts, the two swept the competition; undefeated right until the very end.
On the day of the awards ceremony, Anna was nowhere to be seen. Nina when questioned in an interview simply exclaimed "Anna unfortunately couldn't make it tonight, but please do not get this wrong. It is from her support and sole efforts; that I am able to be standing on stage here today!"

Thanks again for voting everyone! If you guys like these types of polls, I'll try my best to run more in the future!

Will set up a bit of feedback form at the end of the month to try to gauge what types of content you guys like the most and from there; I'll try to focus my efforts towards!




Omg I dream of being in this spot like this!