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Something very different this time! A gift created by Megakorean; a very talented collage-artist worth checking out!!

I hope everyone enjoyed Episode 2 of the Comic as well. With now most of the backstory out of the way, I plan to delve into the action and good stuff from Episode 3-4 onwards!

Additionally, I plan to get your feedback next month on the direction of how my works are going (i.e What you'd like to see more/less of or what I can improve on). So when that comes around, would really value your feedback.

As the month nears an end, thanks again everyone and really hope to see you all again for the next 😊

For ease of access, historical Feet Pics can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!As5rfIb_TlpvlmjRFDFkxdniFD-U?e=32UD5O



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