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Hey everyone,

Hoping you've all been well! Here's another picture featuring extremely sore feet after a 16 hour shift.

One funny thing that's occurring as of late... Because I've been so busy, I haven't actually had the chance to do laundry in over 2 weeks. As a result, I've been resorting to some of my lesser worn attire and *gasp* some more traditionally feminine clothing lmaooo

But hey, it's one of those "Feeling cute, might delete later" moments 😂

I'm on the home stretch now with only 1 week of double-shifts left before I return to normal life. If there's any consolation though, the only thing that's kept me going through this is my desire to continue pumping out lewd art

P.S @ Gold/Plat Members & Lucky Dip Winners - Please let me know what you'd like for your Commissions! I intend to go full steam ahead on them the moment my schedule eases!!

For ease of access, historical Feet Pics can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!As5rfIb_TlpvlmjRFDFkxdniFD-U?e=32UD5O



