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Hi all,

As the year nears an end, I just wanted to tell you all again how much I appreciate the support you've provided me.

2022 was a complete rollercoaster year with so many downs during the first half of it. Although it was a ride that started ever since 2020, I believe things have more or less stabilised as of the current.

I couldn't be more glad that I started posting my works online though! What started as a lewd personal indulgence has not only turned into an source of income to survive, but has also connected me with so many wonderful people online, especially you, my fantastic patrons!

Also using this chance to plug my Discord Server, would love to interact with you all if you're not in it already😋

As I'm typing this, I realise I should probably save my future plans for next month's summary post... So that shall be my plan!

Take care everyone ❤️

For ease of access, historical Feet Pics can be seen here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!As5rfIb_TlpvlmjRFDFkxdniFD-U?e=32UD5O



Marcellus Yonaga

I need those right in my face now 🫠


Those soles are actually Everything I could ever dream of