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"Is that a Submachine-Gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see us?"

Girls Frontline Week - Thursday featuring UMP 9 & UMP 45!

With Dier's frequent blunders landing him in hot water with the Commander, he was promptly sent to cool off in the frozen landscape of New York 2045. Although Dier definitely felt wronged as he was largely innocent in the recent events, but he was still grateful that the Commander agreed to keep it a secret from the rest of the T-Dolls at Griffin Base. His assigned task this time was to use his engineering skills to repair a series of heater works that provided warmth to the T-Dolls stationed in the subzero temperature of the destroyed city.

Shortly after his arrival, he set straight for work in an attempt to distract himself from the events of the past few days, but it was clear that his mind wasn't truly there. Thoughts of his crossdressing escapades and newfound adoration for the femme fatale T-Dolls took precedent in his mind instead, causing him to fumble over his work. The zone was overseen by sisters, UMP-9 and UMP-45, both of whom were very accommodating but also critical of laziness or weakness. It wasn't long until they noticed Dier's absent mindedness kick in, which in turn they gave a stern warning. But of little use that was as eventually Dier's lack of concentration shut-down the central heating removing all semblance of warmth throughout the entire base camp.

Both of the sisters absolutely livid, they pulled Dier aside and gave him a piece of their mind. However no amount of words would fix the issue at hand, but an idea immediately crossed UMP-9's mind. T-Dolls, being the mechanical beings that they are, do not generate inherent heat. But Dier on the other hand, he was a tiny human and had inherent human body temperature... A source of heat was identified. 

"Stop struggling Dier, after your failure, the least you can do is let me warm my feet on your pathetic little body"

"This wouldn't have happened if you just did your job properly, though you're definitely a better seat-warmer than you are an engineer"




Love it! 😁