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8 Different Scenes where each of the Beautiful Ladies have their fun with YOU, the Lovely Viewer!!


Kidnapped by Team Skull: Sunday - featuring EVERYONE!!

Plumeria's Journal - Entry 03/06

"Yall will never guess what happened! Just earlier today I caught someone reading my journal entries and apparently has been doing so for the last week! Crazy right? I managed to beat em' up and now the new Admins locked them away and having their fun in the punishment room.

While they were busy whittling away the sneaky peaker, I did my own sneaking into the admin quarters and found a huge stash of white liquid kept in jars, all labelled with 'Special Cream'. I then noticed an envelope on the desk nearby which wrote 'Deliver to Aether Foundation'. *Hint for an upcoming sequel*

Slightly confused as I thought the goodie-two shoes people at Aether Foundation were all about improving the world of Pokemon, not skincare, but whatever. I guess they're branching out and trying new things. I took a few bottles for my own personal use, hopefully it'll keep me looking that young when I'm their age!

Anyways, on the topic of trying new things, it's only been a week since we hired these admins and Team Skull is already on a roll. Sure they be from the older generation, but inclusivity has given us the edge for the first time in just about forever... who knew? 

Morale is higher than ever and all our enemies are now victims. Anabel from the Interpol's gonna have nothin' on us. We be shooting for the stars next!"


By far the most ambitious set I've created yet, really hoping you all enjoyed this as much as I did!

Sincerest thanks to everyone who also joined on Patreon over this week as well! I'll definitely be looking create more of these elaborate sets soon~






Absolutely incredible finale, lusamines was my fav


Really glad you guys liked it, will definitely look to do more of these themed weeks going forward!