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My testosterone levels soar 100 times higher, fueling my macho strength and vitality.

I effortlessly reverse every pattern baldness, fostering a full and robust head of thick and full healthy hair and hairline.

My prostate experiences a huge, healthy and robust growth every day

My optimal well-being is 100% guaranteed.

Surpassing DHT, I am empowered with 100 times more androgenic potency.

My body is a powerhouse of anabolic energy

My masculine energy surpasses testosterone's strength.

The production of my testosterone in my body skyrockets, bringing unparalleled vitality without side effects.

I proudly showcase my massive and healthy body hair

My body exudes my internal masculine strength.

A mega thick, healthy beard adorns my face

My beards are the most attractive any man can dream of, reflecting my inner power, confidence, and masculine charm.

My pubic hair grows clean and healthy, a symbol of my super-power attractiveness 

I am experiencing massive anabolic and androgenic effects this moment

This powerful subliminal is enhancing my physical masculine prowess

I navigate life with zero negative side effects, embracing only the positives.

My prostate remains untouched by enlargement, ensuring its continued healthy span

My sebaceous glands remain calm and collected, free from unnecessary stimulation.

My hair follicles stand strong forever, impervious to the threat of shrinking and loss.

I am untouchable by aromatization

My body stands firm against any challenges of DHT.

My body harmoniously absorbs the potent benefits of this 100x more testosterone subliminal.

Reversing every pattern baldness is not just a dream but my powerful reality.

My prostate thrives in a state of healthy growth, ensuring lifelong well-being.

The androgenic power within me surpasses all expectations, exceeding even DHT.

Anabolic strength courses through my veins, outshining any conventional testosterone level.

The production of my testosterone is a flawless process, devoid of any unwanted side effects.

I am a living majestic display of massive, healthy masculine body hair

My hyper masculinity is my signature strength.

My facial hair is a testament to my inner power, thick and healthy in every strand.

Clean and healthy pubic hair growth has now become a symbol of my overall vitality.

I embrace the massive anabolic and androgenic effects, propelling me to the utmost level of masculinity.

While I listen to this subliminal, there are no negative sides—only a continuous ascent to strength.

My prostate stands firm, unaffected by the specter of enlargement.

My sebaceous glands remain undisturbed, calmly supporting my overall well-being.

My hair follicles thrive in their robust state, resisting any hint of shrinkage.

Aromatization finds no entry in my body, as I stand resilient against its effects.

I am naturally endowed with giant healthy balls.

My body resonates with 100 times more testosterone, a force to be reckoned with.

The reversal of pattern baldness is not just a desire but my powerful reality.

Healthy prostate growth is my constant companion

The androgenic potency within me surpasses DHT, making me a powerhouse of masculine strength and vitality.

The rate of anabolic energy that flows through me eclipses the strength of all conventional testosterone put together.

The production of my testosterone is a flawless process, devoid of any undesirable side effects.

I proudly wear a mantle of massive, attractive, thick, healthy body hair

Thick, healthy facial hair adorns my face, a reflection of my mega masculine charm and confidence.

My Pubic hair growth is clean and healthy, mirroring the overall well-being within.

I fully embrace the massive anabolic and androgenic effects, propelling me to achieve all that my body desires as an alpha male.

I navigate through life with only positive sides, unaffected by negativity.



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