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Hey hey! Just wanted to drop a quick update on Fischl x Slime.
Apologies for the delay in our posts - I've got a little bit sick in the last couple of days and was staying in bed bed since then. Im already starting to feel better so I'll be working hard to bring you new WIPs and some live streams super soon =)
Meanwhile, a huge thanks to Kitsune for their hard work on fluid sims and renders even while im "out". Project continues and we cant wait to bring new updates to you!
Stay safe and healthy, and I'll catch you soon with more adventures of Fischl x Slime!



Take all the time you need Neko, we will be here ❤️ and Kitsune. Please make sure to take lots of rest too, you two are working so hard for us 👏 can’t wait to see wait the next stream/ wip holds!


How dare you get sick because you're human. Feel better soon ❤️.

Aizen Azuwan

Get well soon. Hopefully we'll get to see the artist back in action & full health 🥹🥹🥹




hope you be better soon


what time can i see it


Take all the time you need!!!


Congratulations on your recovery!!!Please take care of yourself,That's the most important thing


hope you feel better soon 🥰


You provide us witch so much good looking wip's so take care of your self and don't over work yourself <3

Omega Defender85

Get well soon dude, there's no problem with delaying updates for health reasons. I'd rather you be in the best conditions instead of powering through while sick, I've tried that and I regretted it.


Thanks for the update, and looking forward to the fluid animations. Top-tier stuff. Be sure to take care of yourself! :)

Have a good rest and look forward to your work


Get well soon cuz your health matters the most. Take as plenty of rest you need and drink lots of water. We will wait for your grand return 0w0 b


Take the time you need we wouldn’t want you to work when you’re sick ❤️‍🔥


Yoo im starting to get sick aswell! I cough and my throat is sore 👍 Anyway SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIII 🦍🦍🦍



네임 닉

Take care......


Take as much rest as you need, health is very important. I hope you get well soon.




Take care of yourself and have a rest.


Cheer up!


Look an artist's art must never kill the artist We fans have plenty of patience. I mean, the good thing about waiting so long Is that the videos get longer and longer And that certainly is worth the wait so don't overwork yourselves if it takes A toll on your health


As long you are alright, we all wish for you be well soon. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️

yo guy

Get better and take your time to rest

Sen Pai

well brother first is your health and thank you very much for your hard work


We appreciate what you do so stay healthy


Stay safe man take care of yourself. Thanks for all you do for us and Thanks to kitsune too!


Didn't know you had a bed bed, how is it? Anyway hope you get better soon! I really appreciate your work!




If you feel unwell, please rest and adjust your physical condition. Hope you feel better soon.


楽しみに待っています 元気でね👍


Rest up, take all the time you need, the slime could wait 😂


Stay healthy and happy m8! :)


Recovery and sleep boss, your healthy is first, lov u ❤️ And (⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~SIIIIUUUUUU for to starting to feet better, I'm send big hug \⁠(⁠ϋ⁠)⁠/⁠♩


I’ve been checking disc and didn’t see us on, got a tad worried


wishing speedy recoveries, get well soon!! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ


Your own personal health is more important than anything, so don’t strain yourself just to give us more new content, take care now


get well soon! we will still be here when you get back


Feel better! No one is rushing you.


Get the Rest you need to get healthy again :). get well soon!


Have a good good rest!


Health first, we can afford a few days of delay ;)

Silver Meow

I hope you’re feeling better now!! Rest lots!


Well, I'm not like others, everyday I hate this website more and more, it's just a way to take money from people and not produce content under the guise of blah blah blah (insert bullshit excuse here). Why would I stay and continue to pay you if I can't get anything for months at a time. Let's be real here, we're all here to stroke our cocks, and you're taking our money for the possibility of producing a video which strokes our fucking fantasy. Personally I'm fucking pissed off, I came to this stupid website to find porn for my dick, my dick is not even remotely interested in knowing if you're sick or not, you offered a product and haven't delivered even though I've paid. I'm not sure that there is anything else to say... Other than, I have serious buyers' remorse.


Get off your ass and produce the content offered, if you can't provide, then delegate. This isn't a fucking democracy, you're charging for a product you haven't delivered.


Then stop subbing it's that simple. Ain't no one forcing you to keep spending your money.


You fucking retard, I've already paid. Who the fuck are you to call someone a piece of shit, you fucking pussy faggot.


As told before, no one forcing you to subscribe. Ti venisse un cancro al culo per essere così maleducato, coglione.

Troy guy

Rest is important *insert shenhe heart hug* - bobingus

Matthew Stasny

Take care of yourself, don’t listen to the assholes complaining that a massive high quality video isn’t ready immediately when they want it. Personally I will wait as long as it takes to have it done right! And that includes not over working the animators!


Thank you Vici, for all your hard work 💕 Get well soon and stay healty ⛷️🤗


Strong like ape 🦍 Hope you feel better soon too!

Nathan Streety

Your healthy comes first brother, we can wait a few extra days if it means you're alright.


We understand the concern and apologize for any misunderstanding we may have created. If you're truly dissatisfied I'm sure we can work out whatever refunds Patreon will allow so we can make it right. I want to also clarify how our Patreon works. Unlike artists sharing image sets or short loops, we don't use a transactional pay-per-item model. Our animations all have free versions, with Patreon support being an optional way for generous people to allow us to continue making various works indefinitely. Subscribers do get higher quality versions and releases are here first, but the animations themselves are not paywalled. We also don't wish to release unfinished or subpar and rushed work to meet deadlines like often seen in the gaming industry. We only want to share what's worthy to show to all of you. Between the two of us we produce about 1.5 - 2 mins of animation per month. Nearly all of our works have taken multiple months except a few because of their size. For this reason we typically aim for 3-5 min animations so we can release something every 2-3 months. Fischl was an outlier that grew far beyond our original plans, into a 20+ minute video far bigger than anything we've ever made. We do wish we had realized sooner the true scope of this project so we could split it into 4-5 animations at 5 mins each, but we are committed now to completing it in full as soon as we can. The animation will be ready soon, and we hope you will enjoy even if you are no longer subscribed at that time. We appreciate that you came all this way to support us (˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤️ Looking to the future we've already been carefully planning to ensure future projects will stick closer to that 3-5 minute range for much more frequent releases. Thank you for your feedback!


A new product nearly completed and a new lesson learned, I would call it a win 👍 I too was a bit concerned too about the time this video took to be made, but a 20+ minutes short is definitely no small feat. As long as you will not repeat the experience in the future, without sharing your plans beforehand, I have no worries. Remember to stay healthy =)


Your heath takes first priority. Take the time you need. I’ll be here eagerly waiting to see where you take this. 🥹


take your time your health is more important take care of yourself.


@Kitsune The Mona one you did was 9 min long and it turned out great enough to be memorable. I think you should try not to exceed 10 min mark. Around 5 min should be enough for a quality animation, so maybe stick with it and from time to time do a 10 min for the sake of making something better? ;) Short on the other hand like 1 min can show too little and often be forgotten. Good you realized and want to improve on delivering your work in a better way after this project. ❤️


Hey do you check messages or no, what’s best way for inquiry?


dude, you’re not paying for a specific product. You’re paying to support these guys. if you’re not interested in helping then leave. FYI, all their animations can be found somewhere else anyway so you may as well just leave and leech off them somewhere else

Nik (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-08 17:49:12 Take care and get well &lt;3
2023-08-08 15:08:39 Take care and get well <3

Take care and get well <3


waiting for too long……

FunctionalDegenerate (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-08 22:57:56 That's awful, hopefully you're taking your time to recover. Get better soon &lt;3
2023-08-08 17:09:36 That's awful, hopefully you're taking your time to recover. Get better soon <3

That's awful, hopefully you're taking your time to recover. Get better soon <3


Please ignore the one or two impotent raging fellas in here. You are legit one of the best when it comes to quality and I can personally say that over the time I've looked back and your getting better the whole time. My sub doesn't cost me much and while it has taken a while your producing the equivalent of a TV show segment worth of carefully cultivated content. I don't even really agree with the people that wanted shorter segments, let your creativity take you where it goes and produce a masterpiece. Yes it's porn at its core, but the animation and attention to detail is fantastic beyond the expectations of such a thing, I think you could make it in a good animation studio alongside pros if you really wanted.


Also take care of yourself, ignore the fools and realize that even the pros get sick days.


That's okay!! Hope you keep getting better and take your time!! ( bOwO)b


That's alright, hope you get better. Also I believe I lost access to the Discord Server because my main account Vergil Yamato29 got hacked and now I am Vergil Yamato30. I was tricked by the project game scam and I no longer have access to the account and someone else that isn't me is using it. Would I be able to join back with another link please? And so my Vergil Yamato29 account can get removed on the discord server.


Sorry to hear that ( T . T ) I've taken care of the old account in the server, just DM Vici here to get setup. Thanks for letting us know and hope we see you again soon! ❤️


Something like Mona would take us a bit longer if we had tried to make it now. We've learned a lot and are always pushing to improve our works. Better animation, more custom and nuanced motion, even just voice work for every WIP now takes some time. It took 4 months before, but as we've raised our standards it would take longer today with the many things we would want to do better. But we'll make everything exactly as long as it needs to be to tell the story we want to tell. We'll do our best to make them as fun as possible and hope you and everyone else will enjoy (っ^ ◡ ^c)❤️


No problem Kitsune. @ViciNeko Kitsune told me to talk to ya to get set up to join back into the Discord Server. And or if the @ doesn't work I think I have a private chat with ViciNeko welcoming me to Patreon. I can see if that works as well.

Leomons Lemons

I do hope all the rough edges get polished im quite excited for the final product. 😛




Hope you get better soon Vici


Don't rush yourself too much. The most important thing is that you're feeling better quick hopefully:)