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Cant get enough of those two! ❤️ (⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄ ❤️

Small update - we just finished reworking Keqing's textures and shaders for her little Ganyu Solo animation cameo and decided to make a small render with these two. I should definitely pay more attention to this couple in the future. (っˆڡˆς)❤️

See ya soon and back to work! ❤️ ٩(๑•̀ω•́๑)۶ ❤️




We had many ideas for their pose, but in the end i decided to go with a simple hugs (っˆڡˆς)❤️


Woooohhhhhhh seggggg




For that we will have a separate animation (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️


can't wait for the next slime/monster cock making a sexy genshin character bulge


Then u definitely gonna like what we have in mind for our next project, right after Ganyu ಠ‿↼


ganqing so cute (´;ω;`)(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)(╥﹏╥)༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽


We have to give them more attention in the future! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


They are so cute together. I love this image.


My heart thanks you... 💗💘💞


Thank you! Maybe we can start off the future animation from that moment. Or maybe set it as the ending? (¬‿¬) ❤️


Awww... This is indeed sweet and cute. 🥰 Glad so far these statics are turning out great! This one is simple, yet can feel the love from those two. Can't wait to see more in the future! 😊❤💙💜


I think it'd make a cute ending. Like after she's all done she gets to fall asleep in Keqing's arms.


is ok Anyway I really like how they hug it looks cute.


I also will love more slime stuff and I never would've guessed I'd say that


I'm so envious of them


Im about to take this as a wallpaper and everytime someone runs into my room and see this they’ll immediately turn around and go back out 🤣


Thank you sooooooooooo much!!!💖💖💗💕💞I love this lovely couple!Ganqing is so cute!!(´;ω;`)


米哈游百合宇宙——原神篇 甘雨×刻晴 √ 优菈×安柏 八重×影 √ 凝光×北斗 绫华×荧 丽莎×琴 罗莎莉亚×芭芭拉 ... 欢迎补充


It's so sweet. I want to be in the between them 🤭♥️. I hope you too you have everyday the sweet dreams. Love you both 😘.

Talaniss (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 14:35:21 Love this so much! Thank you for the sweet, soft cuddles <3 And hey if you feel like doing one like this for Yaemiko I mean I wouldn't mind <.<
2022-07-05 15:02:10 Love this so much! Thank you for the sweet, soft cuddles <3 And hey if you feel like doing one like this for Yaemiko I mean I wouldn't mind <.<

Love this so much! Thank you for the sweet, soft cuddles <3 And hey if you feel like doing one like this for Yaemiko I mean I wouldn't mind <.<


Thanks to your original idea with the pillow! ❤️ Really like how that pic come together too! (っˆڡˆς)❤️

ViciNeko (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 14:48:08 Worth it (。&gt; ‿ ◕。) ❤️
2022-07-05 15:05:32 Worth it (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️

Worth it (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️

ViciNeko (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 14:48:08 Eula x Amber is already in plans, but someone else will be with them (。&gt; ‿ ◕。) ❤️ Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️
2022-07-05 15:08:03 Eula x Amber is already in plans, but someone else will be with them (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️ Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️

Eula x Amber is already in plans, but someone else will be with them (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️ Thanks! ❤️❤️❤️


As we all do! (っˆڡˆς)❤️ Thank you very much!!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❣️❤️💕💖


No problem! 😊 I'm glad that my idea was the inspiration for this picture, and hope to see what other fun pics will be created too! ❤

ViciNeko (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 14:35:23 Thank you! That would be just our pleasure! So stay tuned! (。&gt; ‿ ◕。) ❤️
2022-07-05 15:22:00 Thank you! That would be just our pleasure! So stay tuned! (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️

Thank you! That would be just our pleasure! So stay tuned! (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️

ViciNeko (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-26 14:48:09 We will soon start working with Fischl - maybe you will have some interesting ideas for her too? (。&gt; ‿ ◕。) ❤️
2022-07-05 15:22:54 We will soon start working with Fischl - maybe you will have some interesting ideas for her too? (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️

We will soon start working with Fischl - maybe you will have some interesting ideas for her too? (。> ‿ ◕。) ❤️

Luis Funes

Sweet dreams indeed.