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  • EmotionReelMK4.mp4



It is wrong to praise your own work, but this particular piece of animation is my favorite of the whole project =P  Everything here somehow worked perfectly out of the box. Maybe for the first time im absolutely happy with a WIP animation: lights are smooth, composition is fine, and this simple facial animations gives Mona more life than all the previous "action" scenes combined. Maybe i'm ready to try working on some SFW (non adult projects)? (っ˘ڡ˘ς) But before that, i need to finally finish working on the current one =)

And about the completion of the project. The core animation is 100% finished. 15000 frames (4-5 mins of animation), over 80 camera angles, story, multiple "action" poses, transitions, physics simulations - it would be a hell of "final edits" stage =D 

Some scenes are 100% completed, some lack something simple (like hair animations), and some need some more love than the others. And i still need to add unique lights for all scenes and render everything. Making those edits is a fairly straightforward process, albeit very time consuming, so im even starting to consider hiring someone to help me get those scenes in required shape. But for now im on my own, and im still going by all means to release the finished project in January! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ Therefore no longer wasting time, and as usual - 

Back to work! (─‿‿─)

Please check out the HiRes file in attachments! Im really proud of this one in particular! (っ˘ڡ˘ς) ❤️

Stay healthy! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ❤️

P.S. It is not the final scene, i have 2 more right after that ಠ‿↼

P.S.S.  After some thinking, i added an extended story ending with a Slime, where he gives Mona a reward for her ritual, but he does it in a VERY specific way =P So im still not sure whether to leave it in the final work on not. It really fits the story well, but it happens right after the ending of the "action" part, lasts about a minute and im not sure that viewer needs it at this point. 

I want to test the waters, but i really dont want to spoil the 1.5 min+ story segments to everyone. Maybe i will send some big chunks of the animation to some of my subscribers (if they would agree to watch it early of course), and see what they say. So for now the fate of the extended part is in their hands =) But regardless of their decision, i will release that extend ending here. It is just a question of adding it in the main project.






Adorable! Cant wait for the final product ^^


Looks great, been fun following the process :)


Excellent !


I really appreciate your animations, they are detailed, high quality and for every move there was an idea. Keep that up <3


Looks amazing as always! What does she look so surprised about when she looks down?


Also I am very happy to be a part off seeing the progress of this Animation!


Mona really does look lovely and so alive here! I know a lot of people are probably mostly/only interested in the action (who can blame them when it's so good ;>) but I'm definitely excited to see the extended ending! Whether you release it with the full video or separately I'm looking forward to it!


Her last expression was too cute! I see where this is going (I may be wrong) so I'm definitely interested in the concept.


Thank you! Doing my best to bring it to you sooner! ❤️❤️❤️

Dabbling In Darkness

I would love to see the ending segment kept in. I'm am quite intrigued!


HEAVY STORY SPOILERS HERE! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////You were warned =P Mona performs the ritual of summoning the legendary Water Essence Seed, but in the end, the way it transfers from the spirit world to the mundane is in her belly. She was not expecting it to be that way =)


Thank you!!! I really want to create something heavily focused on the facial animations after that one. The opportunity to make something so alive from a simple 3d model and convey such vivid emotions without any words - this is why i started doing animations in the first place =)


Thank you! Yeah, i really like how her "faces" turned up too =) Feels good to finally make something "not ahegao" like =P

yon K

I would want to see the end of the story to make the whole plot complete


Gibb ending fam, you worked hard on it!


I did =) But the integrity and authenticity of the project and its narrative is really important to me (even if we are talking about NSFW animations), so if my test audience will say that the extended ending ruins the immersion, than i will release it separately =)


Sounds good!


sound super interseting wouldnt mind seeing what u have in store

Kyo Amamoto

I'm willing to be a part of the test audience if you think my opinion helps.

低言 追忆

Open Ending. Interesting. I think my little brain is going to use its wits again.


Mona is so cute☺ such a good model




I would LOVE to test-watch whatever you need. I personally think that keep all the story bits is a good idea. There are far too many works out there that are pure "action"; don't misunderstand me- they are great, but I think we all will benefit from having more story to go with the "action"- I think this what differs a work from "I watched it, was to my liking" to "rememberable and remarkable and I'll think of it in the future". Now this animation is so smooth! The lighting is great: soft and cozy. Mona's reaction, facial expressions and breathing are all wonderful and look seamless and work perfectly. And no, it is never wrong to praise your own work


Yo!! I love this animation!! I really do love the fact your animations keep looking better and better each time, from like the lighting, details, motions and reaction of characters. It just makes the animations SO much more enjoyable. Im originally here for the "culture" but im 100% down for SFW stuff, especially if your making<3 also id like to volunteer as tribute to test the waters :)


Really liked her expression there, also don't tell my by reward... They're (Mona and slime) live happily ever after?? 👀👀👀


agnificent. Mona is a beautiful figure. This ending is interesting, the ty chistoji endings would be interesting. And that slutty face of Mona. I look forward to the whole thing. I can also join the tests

Sindy Bylund

Is there, any thoughts on, pushing ______ out? I've watched this single scene... an uncountable amount of times, something about seeing her expressions and her bloated belly is sending me into the clouds today~ In regards to the extra scene, I'd say add it!


It may be a little rude. I want to know when the final edition will be released and I can't wait !🥰🥰🥰


I am a Chinese, with the translation software, may not understand, I am sorry.


Hehe true. Sure it's your best creation for the beginning of year 2022. I'm happy for you Sensei ! I'm rooting you as always ! 💖 Mona thanks to you for that ! ☺️ Oh... I hope to see Kokomi or Shenhe one day haha.


If you do decide to hire and you use blender for rendering. I would love to work for you! 😄




Sure, thank you! Will send you the test piece as soon as it is ready! ❤️


(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ❤️ Besides the moment of presenting the reward, the ending is pretty standard in my opinion, so i hope that i didnt create too much hype from nothing =)


Well, kinda open. The action is finished and Mona is back from the spirit realm. The only question left is - how to deal with the "reward" ಠ‿↼


(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ❤️ The only downside is her main action pose. I want to show her face more often, but she is on all fours for the 2 minutes of the animation and it is not easy to show her face and her booty at the same time =)


I just hope that the late story part works well with the rest of the work. And speaking of Monas expressions, it really gives her more character, when some clothes are still on =) I should really start to make more "partially clothed" animations in future. Thank you very much! And i will send you the test piece as soon, as it is rendered! ❤️


Thank you! In fact, i feel like my animation skill has grown a bit and this poses a small problem - i have been working on the project for over 2 months and now im starting to see errors in the finished scenes at the beginning of the animation.I dont know if i will try to fix them, because i risk falling into the trap of endless cycle of edits (maybe i will just speed those first scenes up), but the viewer may get the feeling that the initial scenes look a little worse than the last ones. And for the extended ending part - sure! I will send you the test renders as soon as they are ready! ❤️


Lets just say, i made the ending in such a way, so that i could make a continuation about how Mona and Slime live on happily ever after together ಠ‿↼


Thank you very much! ❤️ And i will gladly send you test piece as soon as it is rendered! ❤️❤️❤️


Glad you like it so much! (っ˘ڡ˘ς) ❤️ I really want this work to be the beginning of the Mona and Slime living together series, so im planning to leave the "pushing out" scene for the future animations ಠ‿↼


Thank you! Me and Kitsune already came up with some beautiful ideas for Kokomi, and Shenhe is definitely in plans too! So stay tuned! ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you! For now i will try to work at day and render at night, so i could use my time and my pc more efficiently. But if i would need some help with rendering, i would gladly accept some help from you! ❤️


you have all my support for your work, a big bravo to you for what you do 😁👌


This ending is amazing! Very much looking forward to the next plot, and really want to see it in the main story. I would also like to be a part of the test audience.


My English is not very good, all are translated by translation software, I hope you can understand😊


Ohhh love the way it ends it so smother . Nice job ViciGoD , it’s a pleasure to continue supporting your awesome work 😎💪🥵


oh!!!don't leave! I'm waiting for your video every mounth!!!


I think you should keep that reward scene


would love to see the reward scene


You can send it to me!!!


Add the extra part pls. :)


I volunteer as tribute! Also, this animation is super cute. It really looks good.


She looks so pretty

Anbu Demi

I really love a little plot with these videos!

Minerva Eule

とっても楽しみで仕方ないです。 ワクワクしながら待っています。

Shadic (Degen Fischl)

You can add anything you want like the reward. I don’t think that anyone would mind. I’m happy that you like your work and we are happy too. I don’t mind if you do some SWF animations but I would personally prefer NSFW stuff but you do what you like and want in the end 😊




Thank you! And thank you once again for your patience and giving me all this time for the project creation! ❤️


Thank you very much! Will gladly send you the test piece as soon as it is ready! ❤️


I really like that scene too, so i just hope that the quality of the last part wont overshadow everything else =P Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️


Dont worry, im going to continue posting WIP stuff while im editing the project ಠ‿↼


Whatever the test audience decides, i will post the extended ending here one way or another =)


Thank you! I really should start making animations with more emphasis on the facial expressions ლ(´ڡ`ლ) And will send you the test piece as soon as it is ready! ❤️


She absolutely is ლ(´ڡ`ლ) and i think its a matter of light setup. For the most part the animation take place in a "spirit" world with a extremely aggressive and bright colors (which i like), but it was after returning to the "normal world" and normal colors that i realized that i still like warm "home" lighting even more. So probably expect my next works to be in the similar soft-warm light style =)


Thanks! Despite the fact that probably most of the viewers will skip the story part completely to dig into the action faster (cant blame them, normally, i would probably do exactly that too =D ) , i believe that it is the small details, such as simple story or interesting character reactions, that give the animation its feeling of being truly alive, and they must be present in a good animation ❤️


Thank you! Doing everything to bring you the finished project sooner! ❤️


As the wise guys once said - Both. Both is good! =) Thank you! ❤️


There's still a lot of work ahead, but this time i tried to complete all scenes immediately upon creation, and not to leave too much stuff for the "final edits" stage. So i hope that this part of work will not take too much time.


I can't wait to view the final video!

Good Boy CH

I hope this is the first peak work of the new year and a gift for the new year,thanks.


Damn I can't wait ahhh


Can’t wait, G



Nathaniel Grey

What do you use to animate? Your animation quality is absolutely astonishing.


It's not easy to come here to support you by charging today. I was a loyal fan of your p station before. Unfortunately, I couldn't wait for the update, so I tried to come here


Hello and welcome! Im trying to post all my WIP here, so i hope it can ease your wait =)


Are you still updating pixiv? And how long can Mona x slime be fully played?


The last three months of waiting really makes people hungry and thirsty


What tutorial did the author watch? Could you share it? I'm also learning blender, but there are no good tutorials in China.(Please don't mind my grammatical mistakes😂)