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-Welcome to the first Pit Raiders devlog!-

I'm going to try to do one of these every week or so, maybe more or less often depending on what I'm currently working on. 

-State of the Game-

Pit Raiders development has been slow. I've had to redirect attention to commissions due to the recent patreon payment fiasco. I'm hoping to keep working on it consistently, but funding has been an issue. Thanks to all of you for your support through this time! 
The game is currently in a pretty good state:
-The combat system has been reworked some since the last release, it's now a bit more efficient and uses some pretty simple logic that can be diverged for variety.
-The overworld has been implemented. As shown above, it's an isometric style. It's a bit barren but the potential once it's done and I can work on assets will be pretty exciting, I feel. The system uses tiles and colliders, which opens a lot of puzzle possibilities! 
-Displayables have been implemented. These are chests, torches, npcs, doors and enemies. 

What's most exciting is how these systems interact. I'm currently working on procedural generation and balancing. I have a very strong vision for the gameplay loop- but I'm going to try to implement before discussing it publicly. Once the groundwork is laid I can focus more on characters, interactions, tasks, and making the enemy loss screens more interesting for the kink-focused folks! 

-Goals and Projections-

Pit Raiders' general plot and characters are mostly set, making the game mechanically interesting is important to me, and it's been the biggest delay so far. I do enjoy writing character interactions like in a visual novel, but I feel that having actual gameplay elements is necessary to make the story feel fleshed-out. The first goal will be to make the game itself fun. I hope to release a very small story teaser with the next nightly version, focusing mainly on showing off what I've done for gameplay (and for balancing!)

I'm going to tentatively set my next release goal for late September! Thanks for your patience, making games is quite hard.
We've been making a habit of doing some dev work in my discord server, streaming it while I chat with folks a few times a week! If you want to see my process feel free to come check it out!



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