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Hey all.

I've been working full time on art and my game lately, I've got a lot of ideas and a lot to show off, and I'm really excited for that. I just wanted to note there are going to be some hiccups.

Unfortunately, this morning I woke up to find that my car was totaled by a drunk driver during the night. It was a hit and run, which surprised everyone considering that my car is essentially bisected. That kind of damage should be very difficult to walk away from. I'm going to be doing everything I can to get the information square and help with the investigation, as well as work out insurance.

Some of you may be aware that I'll be on a trip to Italy in a week, that trip is still planned but it really squishes my time frame for completing work. I'm going to have less content to release before and during that trip, and I won't really get back to work until I return from BLFC on June 8th.  Essentially I'm going to be gone for about 3 weeks starting on Saturday. 

I just wanted to say, no hard feelings if you decide to jump off my Patreon for this month. I just won't be releasing as much. I hope when I come back I can move homes quickly and get right back to making things you folks enjoy.

Thank you all for your support. It's allowed me to focus on creative works and have a buffer period between my graduate studies and my job searching. I'm endlessly thankful for the community I've got and it's my desire to leave a positive impression. Have a great weekend, folks.



Oh dear, hope ya can get a claim and also hope ya can have fun on your trip


Yikes, glad you weren't in it when that happened. O.O