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I'm going to try to only release the game in designated "chapters" so people will feel motivated to explore it each time it comes out. Most game devs will hold back the game until it's very functional and the story is complete but as a one-person dev team I have to utilize public feedback and bug catching to keep the foundation of the game strong and the direction clear.

In terms of release dates, I'd like to release a big version every month around the 13th, then within the next week do a hotfix to correct any errors. The week after that I'll do the public release. The combat system is getting more and more stable, so hopefully errors from here out will be mostly visual and not result in crashes! Crossing my fingers!

I also want to say, thanks for all the support. I've been contacted by university advisors and they essentially told me that it's unlikely that I got into graduate school. If that's the case, then I'll be moving, doing volunteer work, all sorts of things that make it hard to keep my life stable. Art and game design doesn't pay all my bills but it helps a ton and it's given me the freedom to keep pursuing my education even with the pitfalls.

I hope I can keep making things you folks enjoy!


Happy Potato

Hope things are okay, mentally and physically. Love your work and take as much time as you need!