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Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing well. This year so far has been a bit better for me, just very very busy. I'm going to take this opportunity to lay out my plan for the year as I understand it now, and to answer some questions.
Outside of my furry content,

Some of you are aware that I am in my final year of an astrophysics bachelor's degree. It's an extremely busy major, most people I know don't even have hobbies outside of the field because it's so encompassing and challenging to reasonably master a lot of the topics. In order to make my career flow well, I've had to take some difficult courses and look for research opportunities.

Well, I found one! I've been asked to work with a large cosmology fund to produce motion graphics.  It'll be a really challenging position, and I'll only start to see some cash rewards for it when I get access to the grant in Summer, if they keep me that long. I'm nervous, but also very excited. It's just another thing to add to my list of things to learn.


Plan for this year,

The question becomes, how will this new research position affect my job (furry content creation?) The answer is mixed. I'm going to lay out all the things I have planned now: 

  • BTsP's deadline has been pushed back. This was something I might've done anyway. I'm having a lot of fun with the game but it often results in several nights a week slaving over the program to make it do what I want. I need time and mental energy to do it correctly, so I'm going to make the intended finish date in August instead of June of this year. My hope is to move toward one major update and one bugfix a month on average. As much as I'd love to begin an RPG project, that's been put on the back burner until I can be more stable. I don't want my dating sim to get shafted or rushed. A good game is eventually good, a rushed game is forever bad. -Shigeru Miyamoto and all that. (I still intend to update regularly, just less until Summer begins and my classes are over.)

  • Commissions will be a bit more sparse. I know they weren't exactly coming out daily already but I can't have too many projects at once. This quarter at university has been really tough, and I've had some weeks where I can't sit down to draw at all due to other obligations. I'll still do some but I will be keeping it very limited. It's mostly for mental health. Having homework and projects in all my courses, my research obligations, commissions, visual novel work, and managing my personal life has been strenuous for me.

  • I have a larger comic still in the works. My project with Blackmist will remain on my queue and I intend to finish it mostly on schedule. I hope to release two pages a month until it's done then release it to the public. So no real changes there!

  • YCHs. I've decided that in order to get some more fun art in I'm going to try to transition from commissions only to Your Character Here pieces. I will not sell multiple versions of the same one. Some will be bidding, some will be just first-come-first-serve. I like doing that so it's mostly fair for everyone. I may also make them possible to vote on through my Patreon so people can give input on what they want to see.

As a last note.
                     Thanks to all of you for your continued support. I've not had monetary security like this since I was a minor. I feel like I can breathe more easily and work on projects that are actually exciting to me with all you've given. That being said, if the content I'm producing or the flow of my work is not meeting your needs don't hesitate to give me some critique or feedback. If you can't afford or have no interest in continuing to subscribe to me please do NOT feel bad. I totally understand the circumstances. I just ask that if something was amiss you tell me so I can try to remedy it and make my content better! Feel free to ask questions, tell me your feelings, anything you like. I love to hear it. 


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